Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Shaping Ideas For The Market - 1563 Words

Shaping ideas for the market Creating a service platform application for Make up, Nail and Hair artists Zienat Hanif 8594436 Abstract In this paper I will introduce the topic on Entrepreneurship what the definition is and what we can expect from entrepreneurs, this will include their characteristics, traits and behaviours. In this assignment I will also introduce my idea to create a service platform for Nail stylists, Hairdressers and Make up artists which I believe will give small entrepreneurs an opportunity to get more customers and develop their business as currently they are relying on word of mouth advertisement. The primary objective of this application will be to make it easier for potential customers to find the service via one app that fulfils their demand and needs. I personally believe this application will make customers life easier as they can plan their day accordingly and saving time as you can find all the services you may require in one handy application instead of searching the internet or yellow pages and having to call numerous places which I believe to be inconvenient for the customer. I have carried out market research and there is a demand and a need for this type of app as shown by customer feedback. In todays society we place emphasis on time,quality,service, and cost. This app will help to fill a gap in the market and further enhance customer experience and help small businesses to draw in customers which they couldShow MoreRelatedStrategic Management of Technological Innovation1157 Words   |  5 PagesInnovation. London: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. In this study, Innovation is the process of exploiting new ideas that that will lead to creation of new products or services. 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