Thursday, October 31, 2019

Foreign Market Entry Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Foreign Market Entry Strategy - Essay Example In today’s highly competitive and complex environment, the firms pursuing a strategy of international market expansion face with a necessity to make a key strategic decision of the choice of market entry mode. Liang et al. (2009) provide a brief overview of the key types of foreign market entry strategies including the following: export, licensing and franchising, acquisitions, greenfield investments, or joint ventures. These market entry strategies very in terms of key variables, including the share of capital ownership, organizational control level, resource requirements, risk exposure and expected future returns (Liang et al. (2009) explain that foreign market entry strategy depends heavily on the company’s strategic orientation and strategic capabilities. In order to get empirical data, the researchers have carried out a study evaluating a sample of 332 foreign market entries of 62 U.S. companies over a period of 6 years (Liang et al., 2009). The results of the stud y have shown that the firms that competed primarily in terms of innovation (prospectors) preferred to select equity-based foreign market entry mode and compared to the firms that focused on brand positioning as their competitive advantage (defenders). Prospectors also made a choice in favor of full-ownership entry modes such as full acquisition and greenfield investment. This empirical study indicates that the firms which make innovation and know-how their strategic capability are ready to face a risk of information leak.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Quantitave methods informal in-depth interviewing Essay

Quantitave methods informal in-depth interviewing - Essay Example It should also be noted that there are different methodologies which are applicable in research methods. The issue of central interest in any matter is always to find a better solution than the existing one; this means that there are some issues that emerge as new in the society and therefore no information exists about them while on the other hand, better approaches are also being studied about issues that are already exist. In other words, the core reference point in any research study is the literature review. Research can either be from primary sources or secondary ones. Primary source research is obtained from initial findings from an original work while secondary are obtained from published materials. Research has never been perfectly done by man due to many challenges and this means that any research work assumed done perfectly still bears some information gap. It should be noted that these issues that have not been captured by past research studies may be vital in providing a lasting solution. Various concepts of research have always been under use but their effectiveness varies from one use to another. The Qualitative Interview Design is the latest research concept which is gaining weight especially in the business world. Informal interviews are a concept of qualitative research. It accords the same opportunity to acquire information just like in any other research method. Its applicability comes even in business management. In normal business operations, the daily occurrences that characterize business operations entail gathering and collecting data. This data is usually relevant in determining the fate of a business in terms of market survey and related factors. Consequently, it is always important to have concise information on the targeted market on what needs to be done in order to succeed in a particular market. Such is a predicament that would warrant carrying out of research. In view of this, informal interview would provide a relatively easier way of evaluating the market before making any business decision. In-depth interview entails asking of questions, listening to the answers and recording them. The researcher can also pose additional questions to clarify or expand on particular issues. In most cases the questions are open ended and this is meant to explore the ideas of the respondents without restriction since this is likely to give a true picture and their real perceptions. This concept is aimed at understanding the clear view of the beneficiaries of a program, there judgement and terminologies. The extent by which the three approaches in in-depth interviewing differ is basically dependent on standardization of the questions and how they are determined. These methods are semi-structured interview, the informal conversational interview and the standardized open-ended interview. Each of these approaches has different instrumentation requirements and preparation besides serving different purposes. Qualitative research design requires in-depth experience with methodology and one of its most important components is the concept of informal interview. Qualitative Interview Design is one of the sources of research in academics where the interviews provide wide information base pertaining to a participant's first hand experience and viewpoints on a specific topic of study. This research methods concept makes the best literature review base since the qualitative interviews provid

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Does Personality Predict Employee Performance?

Does Personality Predict Employee Performance? To what extent does personality predicts employee performance? Introduction: An employee need to perform well in the role and activities listed in the job description. Also for a better performance an employee need to have the skills, knowledge and the right attitude needed for the job. In order to get the best performance from an employee, personality assessment is been carried out during the recruitment process. There are many types of personality assessment such as MBTI personality test, MMPI, FIRO-B personality assessment model, Kelly’s personal construct theory, Eysenk’s personality dimension, Raymond cattell’s two types of personality traits, the big five factors and many more. However, this essay will only discuss about the big five model as it is one of the personality assessment that is most commonly used in a work place to predict employee performance. It is essential to understand that there are some criticism about the big five factors as well as the other personality assessment. However, despite the criticism the big five fac tors was successful in predicting employee performance. It is important to know that there is a close relationship between employee performance and personality. This connection between both employee performance and personality depends on the characteristic of the Job, the organisation and co-workers. It is also important to keep in mind that the success of an organisation would depend on the employee performance. This coursework will address the extent to which personality is used to measure employee performance as well as the relationship between the big five personality and Job performance. Furthermore, this essay will discuss about the two main approaches of personality and will further investigate how personality link into career success and furthermore, predict employee performance. In addition, this essay will briefly address the nature and nurture approach. Main body: The nature and nurture approach may both have an effect in an individual personality. Nature is mainly about genetic inheritance, whereas Nurture is mainly about environmental factors. Researchers found out that genes plays an important role in the development of personality as well as the environment as it help to shape the personality of an individual. According to Funder (2001), â€Å"personality is an individual’s characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behaviour, and together with the psychological mechanisms-hidden or not-behind those patterns†. He proposed that personality is a predictor of work. Personality can be divided into two main approaches: Nomothetic approach and Idiographic approaches. The nomothetic approach is a measurable and specific perspective that looks at the identification of traits and personality as a collection of characteristics (Mullins 2013). Nomothetic approach view personality as consistent, mainly inherited and resistant to change. Nomothetic theorist believes that it is possible to measure individual personality through personality assessment without diminish the difficulties that measuring personality brings, as it will help employer to identify employee personality types and how individual would behave in a given certain circumstances. Whereas, Idiographic approach is a self-motivated perspective which insists that managers should take into account a ‘whole’ understanding of the individual at work (Mullins 2013). An individual attitude towards his or her work is affected by his or her personality. Idiographic theorist believes that individual are unique and it is vital to understand such uniqueness and are also concern about the de velopment of personality as it is a process that is open to change. Furthermore, they regard that individual responding to the environment and people around them like friends and families or co-workers can shape and affect individual personality. Idiographic approach suggest that using personality assessment to measure the unique ways in which a person understands and responds to the world is inappropriate and is not valid (Mullins 2013). So therefore, it is vital to understand individual personality in order to predict individual performance. Personality plays an important role in predicting how an individual will work. Hence, using personality assessment, employers can simply identify whether a potential employee will work, happily, intelligently, attentively or even willingly. Personality assessment is used by many companies. Employers make use of personality assessment in order to improve their decision making with respect to future applicants. They have recognized that through personality assessment; high-potential applicants can easily be identified. At this stage, we can state that an employee’s personality does predict the level of performance (Ferguson, 2009). However, Schmitt et al. (1984) found that personality tests were among the least valid types of selection tests. Additionally, Spillane Martin (2005) stated that personality and performance are not related as the efforts of using personality test to predict performance have been spectacularly unsuccessful. Furthermore, it can also be argue that perso nality assessments are not a good method for predicting employee performance, as individual can give false answers to any question asked in order to meet the company expectation and get the Job (Buchanan, Huczynski, (2010). Pp.173-189). Many studies have been carried out in order to find the relationship between personality and employee performance. Employee performance is the job related activities expected of a worker and how well those activities were performed. Researchers in both personality and industrial-organizational psychology have touched on a five factor model (FFM) which is commonly recognised as personality framework. The FFM can be linked to predict performance (Barrick and Mount 1991) and it can also be linked to career success (Tharenou, 1997). Furthermore, the FFM are vital when predicting the job performance of an employee on the basis of personality. The FFM includes Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Openness to experience, Emotional Stability and Agreeableness. Extraversion contains traits such as confidence, activity, and friendliness. Extraverts are active and cheerful. Extraversion is considered to be positive frame of mind and capabilities and is therefore seen as a positive effect (Clark Waston, 1991). Research suggests that extraverted personalities are expected to surpass in occupations that involve individuals to socialize and communicate with other individuals (Barrick and Mount, 1991). Barrack and Mount (1991) also decided that Extraversion predicts not only overall job performance, but mainly sales performance as well. Agreeableness refers to individuals who tend to be innocent, caring towards others, merciful, soft hearted, and kind (Costa McCrae, 1992). Previous research has found no relationship between agreeableness and overall job performance (Barrick and Mount, 1991). However, Barrick et al. (2001) found that the measurement predicts teamwork and that the dimension respectively can predict success in specific jobs. This s hows that, depending on the type of occupation, agreeableness may still be theorised as a contributing factor to job performance. Tett et al. (1991) stated that Openness to experience is not effective in predicting job performance. Openness to experience applies to individuals who tend to be productive, inspired, and interested to experience new things amongst other things (Costa McCrae, 1992). Barrick et al. (2001) found no major relationship between openness and performance. Research has shown that openness to experience is linked to success in accessing (Hamilton, 1998), training (Barrick Mount, 1991) and adapting to adjustment (Horton, 1992; Raudsepp, 1990). Emotional stability indicates that individuals who tend to be protected, peaceful and thus more likely to control their desires and survive with stress (Costa McCrae, 1992). Dunn, Mount, Barrick and Ones (1995) indicated that emotional stability is the second most important characteristic that affects the employability of c andidates.Out of the big five model, conscientiousness is recognised as the most valid predictor for measuring performance for most jobs. Factors included in conscientiousness lead to excellent job performance. Recent experimental evidence supports the importance of conscientiousness at work, relating the construct to counterproductive work behaviours (Hogan Ones, 1997), effective job seeking behaviour (Wanberg, Watt, Rumsey, 1996), Maintenance (Barrick, Mount, Strauss, 1994), and attendance at work (Judge, Martocchio, Thoresen, 1997). A relationship exists between the big five traits and career success which in returns lead to employee performance. However, out of the five big traits neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness is the most relevant to career success. It can be argued that to some extent, employee performance is predicted by personality. However, to some extent career success can also predict performance through the personality of the employee. For example, if a person career is to become an accountant and they work in a bank, it is most likely that the performance of that person would be positive. Nevertheless, if the career of that individual does not align to the job he/she is doing then it can be argued that performance of such individual might be affected. Career success is defined as what an individual achieved as a result of their work experiences (Judge, Cable, Boudreau, Bretz 1995). Career success depends on two things such as intrinsic success (job satisfaction) and extrinsic success (income and status). Job satisfaction has been defined as the comprising between the actual outcomes and desired outcomes of an employee reaction based on the Job (Egan et al., 2004). Research shows that neuroticism which is the opposite of emotional stability has a negative correlation when link to Job satisfaction and in terms of income and status. Judge and Locke (1993) found out that employees with a negative emotions were likely to have a low job satisfaction which can lead to bad performance as low job satisfaction indicate that employee are not happy with the jobs they are in which can further lead to job stress, poor morale and lack of productivity. On the other hand research shows that Extraversion will be positively related to intrinsic career success and extrinsic success. Watson and Clark (1997) note that extraversion individual has a positive emotion which can lead to a high job satisfaction, and can further predict employee performance. Furthermore, another positive pe rsonality related to extrinsic career success is conscientiousness. Barrack Mount (1997) research shows that conscientiousness may influence extrinsic career success through its high predictor factor on job performance. Conclusion: In conclusion, this essay has found out that out of all the personality assessment used in a company to predict performance, the big five model is the most reliable method of predict employee performance despite all the criticisms of the FFM. This FFM is used by many researchers to predict performance and it has been researched that the most strongly trait that can be used to predict all job occupation is Conscientiousness. It can be argued that FFM is accurate when predicting employee performance as it has also been used for personality assessment. However, one negative effect of using personality assessment to predict performance is that candidate can give false answer in order to meet the job description of the company so that they can get the job. So therefore, it is recommended that companies should not depend on one factor to predict performances as they are other factors that can lead to high performance such as cognitive intelligence/Ability (CI), Emotional intelligence/ Abil ity (EI) and Motivation – related attitudes/ competencies. It is important to know that although there are some advantages of using personality to predict employee performance, there are also some disadvantages. One advantage would be, it helps to choose the right candidate for the job which will lead to high performance as the employee will be motivated to work hard as their personality is link to the job they are doing (Buchanan, Huczynski, (2010) .pg. 189). Whereas, one disadvantage would be employee giving false answer on the personality test in order to score high so that they can be given the job which might lead to bad performance for the organisation if the employee actual personality does not link to the job description. This essay has also identified the two main personality approach which are idiographic and nomothetic approach. Idiographic approach tells us that personality is unique and the theorist of this approach believes that employee personality should be open to change. Therefore, idiographic approach believes that personality assessment is not valid when predicting employee performance. Whereas, nomothetic theorist identified traits and believes that personality is resistant to change and further agreed that personality assessment should use when predicting employee performance. Overall, there factors that affect personality differences between individuals. These factors are the biological environment, the social environment, the physical environment, the cultural environment, and role playing. All these factors related to the research about the nature and the nurture discussed in this essay. References Barrick, M. R., Stewart, G. L., Piotrowski, M. (2002). Personality and jobperformance: Test ofthe mediating effects of motivation among salesrepresentatives.Journal of Applied Psychology, 87: 43-51. Buchanan Huczynski: Organisational Behaviour an introductory text. 4th Ed (Prentice Hall) Egan, T. M., Yang, B., Bartlett, K. R. (2004). The effects of organizational learning cultureand job satisfaction on motivation to transfer learning and turnover intention. 15, 279–301 Hurtz, G., Donovan, J. (2000). Personality and job performance: The Big Fiverevisited. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 869–879. Judge, T. A., Higgins, C. A., Thoresen, C. J., Barrick, M. R. (1999). The big fivepersonality traits,general mental ability, and career success across the life span.Personnel Psychology, 52, 621–652. Judge, T. A, Ilies, Remus(2002). Relationship of personality to performance motivation: A meta-Analytic Review. Journal of Applied psychology. 87, P797-807. Mullins, L Gill, C (2013). Management organisational behaviour. 10th ed. Prentice Hall Rothmann, s., Coetzer, E. P. (2003) the big five personality dimensions and job performance. Journal of industrial psychology. 29, 68-74. Spillane R, Martin J,( 2005) Personality and performance: foundations for managerial psychology, Sydney : Australia

Friday, October 25, 2019

Napster :: essays research papers

Napster Napster is a music-sharing service that serves people with downloadable software for their computer and allows the download of almost any music from around the world. The Webster’s Universal and Thesaurus, says that the definition of music is: Music: harmony, melody, symphony. The basic idea of Napster is for anyone who wants to listen to music. However, the argument about Napster is that it is a directory service that allows users to transfer music files from music labels that have not signed a deal with Napster. The music industry feels they are losing money because there are devices known as CD-RW and this allows for the burning of homemade compact discs with songs that Napster provides. Besides the music industry, there are bands that feel that due to Napster's popularity; they are losing money that they work for. The music industry feels that if people are burning there own compact discs at a cheap rate then the music company are going to lose money. In the following paper I will discuss why people use Napster, why there is a problem with the use of Napster, and how the service can be used legally. The idea of Napster was started by a freshman at Northeastern University in January 1999. In May 1999 Napster took shape as one of the most used computer software around. From the Napster web site you easily download the software. The software then connects you with millions of users who have the song you are searching for. After you find the song you can start the download process and download that song onto your computer. One negative aspect of Napster is that the songs you download mostly take a long time to download, depending on your connection speed, and take up a lot of space in your memory. After you download the song you can then make your own compact disc if you have the right equipment that is. The equipment needed is a compact disc burner and the recordable compact discs. You then are able to distribute the songs and only have paid a fourth of the price that you would have paid if you had bought the compact disc from a music store (Napster). Many bands and music labels have sued the people behind Napster. The music industry is saying that Napster breaks copyright laws by allowing people to spread music without the proper authorization for usage.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Operations Research Essay

Operations are directly affected by changes in the factors of production and by other circumstantial changes which directly affect the costs of these factors. One of these changes is the demand changes that occur within the market. Operations are directly affected by production since the level of production coincides with the supply and demand levels of market. Demand has a direct effect in this case since a lower rate of demand necessarily means that production has to be reduced in response to the decreasing demand and thus operations are affected as well. Another factor to consider is the implementation of new pollution control laws which drives up the costs of production and operating expenses due to the taxes that may be imposed and compliance regulations that will be enforced. Carbon trading, which is an example of a pollution control law, requires industries to purchase carbon credits which in the end affect the price of the goods and operating expenses. Other items such as the fluctuation in the value of the dollar and price changes are also critical because they determine the end cost of not only the factor inputs required for operations and by doing so affect the expenditures of companies but also determine the willingness of the market to consume the item or service that is being sold. A stronger dollar for example will mean that exports are affected because it will necessarily drive up the cost of a commodity vis-a-vis the exchange rate. Price changes are also important to consider because they affect the willingness of the customer to purchase a certain commodity and principles such as substitution and competition now take effect.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Advertising Practices in the US and the UK Essay

In spite of the many cultural similarities between the United States and the United Kingdom, there are significant differences between American and British television advertising. Advertising content in the two countries is substantially different today, even though early British television adverts had a tendency to be made in the American style, and supported by American research methodologies, when television advertising was introduced into British culture in 1955 (Lannon, 1986). Although several differences in the two countries’ television advertising practices have been identified in previous research, this study focuses on one in particular: difference in ad content. This research sets out to discuss said differences in ad content and explores the motivations for these differences. This discussion will examine specific media groups in two different societies and discuss their differences, contributing to developing an understanding of different kinds of media practices. Comparing advertising practices in the United States and United Kingdom is relevant for several reasons: because both countries are highly developed industrial consumer societies, consequently, the same categories of consumer products would be expected to appear in both countries; the British system of regulating TV advertising has been regarded superior to the American approach (Buell, 1977); the deep-seated and widespread belief in the United Kingdom that British culture and American culture are both individually based on different assumptions that are reflected in their respective advertising practices (Weinberger & Spotts, 1989a). Advertising Defined â€Å"Advertising – apart from its more or less hidden purposes – is a form of communication between a sender and a receiver of a message† (Borrelli, 2010). Advertising is deemed as the business of â€Å"bringing into notice; spec. by paid announcement in a printed journal, by prominent display of placards, etc† (Online Oxford English Dictionary), an activity to â€Å"the action of calling something to the attention of the public especially by paid announcements† (Merriam Webster Online). It does not matter whether the advertised item is a product, a service or a better version of ourselves (Myers, 1994). According to Sherry (1987), â€Å"advertising is a system of symbols synthesized from the entire range of culturally determined ways of knowing that is accessible through ritual and oriented toward both secular and sacred dimensions of transcendental experience in hyperindustrial society†(pp. 443-444). McLuhan (1970) refers to it as the cave art of the twentieth century. As art, Williams (1980) perceives advertising as the official art of modern capitalist society, Feasley (1984) as fitting the definition of art by its enrichment and intensification of life, as well as a reflection of our lives, and Borghini, Visconti, Anderson & Sherry (2010) as matching the tendency of art to embody universal fantasies, feelings, and thoughts advertising expresses the rational and emotional experiences and moods of consumers. In his analysis of advertising, Schudson (1984) describes advertising as capitalist realism, which he defines as a set of aesthetic practices promoting and celebrating a certain political economy. Schudson’s (1984) description comes from his understanding of socialist realism, which presents a standard version of reality that is simplified, collective, optimistic, progressive, and socially integrative. Capitalist realism celebrates the choice of the consumer in defense of materialism and individualism by representing consumer satisfaction as an idealized form. â€Å"‘Advertising is capitalism’s way of saying â€Å"I love you† to itself’—(and, as we all know, love means never having to say you’re sorry) (Weinberger & Spotts, 1989a, pp. 44). † Accordingly, Csikszentmihalyi & Rochberg-Halton (1981) say that advertising promotes forms of materialism that are instrumental as well as terminal. Advertising works at the level of semiology to provide goods with meaning, and at the level of semiotics to bring together domestic and political economies into a culture whose dominant force is consumption. By teaching the meaning of and use of goods, advertising helps create understanding; it helps make the categories of culture stable and visible (Douglas & Isherwood, 1979). Semiology is the study of signs and symbols from a general point of view, and through its different meanings, semiotics, by defining a framework, analyzes the signs within this framework and through differentiation with other elements, allows one to make a selection and be more precise in the understanding of the meaning (Depaux, 2011). Semiology and semiotics are especially useful in examining the communication of messages (Ashwin, 1984). Symbols create a culture’s worldview and philosophy. A cultural system acts as both a model of and a model for reality. Advertising can then be seen to shape and reflect reality. Thus, advertising can be viewed as a cultural system, and individual advertisements as a performance exhibiting the larger system (Sherry, 1987). Although research on this topic is underdeveloped (Borghini et al. , 2010), McCracken (1988) says that advertising messages have a cultural meaning in everyday life. Additionally, Elliot (1997) and Willis (1990) discuss advertising as a cultural product consumed symbolically by consumers independently of the products being advertised. So, as British and American cultures are both based on different assumptions (Carey, 1975; Lannon, 1986), and as advertising can be viewed as a cultural system, the two respective cultures (American and British) are mirrored in their respective advertising. Effects of Culture How does television advertising content in the United States and the United Kingdom reflect cultural differences? Consumers in different countries have different ways of deciding which brands to purchase (Zaichkowsky & Sood, 1989), and they have different attitudes about advertising (Durvasala, S. Andrews, J. C. , Lyonski, S. , & Netemeyer, R. G. , 1993). These different ways of doing and thinking about things is called culture; it is the complex of values, ideas, attitudes, and other meaningful symbols that allow persons to communicate, interpret, and evaluate as members of a society (Engel, Blackwell & Miniard, 1995). Every culture is a complex web of social relations, religious beliefs, languages and consumption attitudes and habits. All of which impact how advertising is delivered and received by society members (Tse, Belk & Zhou, 1989). Abd. Rahim and Osman (2005) conducted a study that examined how commercials in Malaysia were impacted by globalization. As a part of their research, they made use of ten consumer culture constructs that were developed by Harris and Morgan (1987) and later adapted by Engel, Blackwell and Miniard (1990) to rationalize how advertising is effective in creating our culture. According to Abd. Rahim and Osman (2005) these constructs are â€Å"projected† (p. 36) into advertisements. The constructs are: 1) sense of self and space, 2) communication and language, 3) dress and appearance, 4) food and feeling habits, 5) time and time consciousness, 6) relationships, 7) value and norms, 8) beliefs and attitudes, 9) mental processes and learning and 10) work habits and practices. Alden, Steenkamp and Batra (1999) support the existence and use of these constructs with their culture positioning theory that implies that, as a rule there are three brand positioning strategies used in advertising strategies, specifically the Local, Foreign and Global Consumer Culture Positioning (LCCP, FCCP, and GCCP). Those behaviors are categorized in the form of identification in advertisements to whether they are local, foreign or global in terms of brand positioning† (Abd. Rahim & Osman, 2005, p. 36). The ten culture constructs paired with the culture positioning theory further sustain the advertising as a cultural system concept and shed light on the cultural reasons behind the differences in advertising content across geographical boundaries. Abd. Rahim and Osman (2005) suggest that the most profound effect of advertising upon consumers is in creating a culture that values the pursuit of certain lifestyles. David Slayden (1999) offers a complementary view to Abd. Rahim and Osman’s (2005) assessment of advertising effects: advertising identifies the important myths, symbols, and stories of culture and associates them with a product or service. Initially, British advertising often mirrored American ad experience. During this time, commercials were highly â€Å"unsuited to British tastes† (Nevett, 1992, p. 65). Commercials were being branded as intrusive. British television in the 50s was drastically different from American television; it had only one channel (BBC1) and saturation was low, only 16 percent coverage of private homes (Moskowitz, 1953). The introduction of commercial television into British life was a public corporation with a charter from the government, Independent Television Authority (ITV) (Burdett, 1955). ITV was proposed with the intention to set new standards of technical excellence, â€Å"bring â€Å"new verve into political discussions, improve the pace, and revive personality† (Burdett, 1955, p. 184). The BBC channel was inadequate, to say the least. As a service without a rival, it has tended to coast along†¦when it comes to drama and popular entertainment, one misses the technical proficiency and the pace and brightness of American TV productions†¦the accidents that happen on BBC television are startling to an American viewer. No one seems dismayed here if transmission breaks down and the screen goes black for five minutes. No one seems surprised if a program runs over for fifteen or twenty minutes; and if you see a news anchor talking, but there’s no voice—well that happens too. From time to time, the stagehands will wander out in front of the camera. Its all very casual†¦announcers are supposed to be as devoid of personality as conceivably possible. (Burdett, 1955, pp. 183-184) Also during this time, opinion leaders were opposed to the commercialization of British television: â€Å"The TV monster†¦would bring in its wake a host of undesirable things—the debasement of taste, the corruption of youth, the breakdown of law, and a huckster’s riot of vulgarity† (Burdett, 1955, p. 180). Lord Reith compared commercial television to smallpox, the Black Death, and the Bubonic Plague; when approved by Parliament in 1955, it did so against fierce opposition in the House of Lords (Nevett, 1992). British advertising then underwent a evolution during the 60s and 70s in an effort to infuse ‘Britishness’ (Dickason, 2000, p. 162) into their advertising practices, and additionally to revoke Americanization of British television. In an effort to sell a product and entertain a viewer at the same time, the advertiser â€Å"accepted that he was an unwanted visitor in peoples homes; if they were to let him in at all, or to let him return regularly, then he had better behave politely, quietly, and entertainingly† (Garrett, 1986). British advertising began to employ understated humor and a soft-sell approach, and had begun to make frequent use of features inherent in British culture, such as the persistence of class separation and affection for eccentricity (Nevett, 1992). Soft sell focuses predominantly on the entertainment factor of commercials and is considered noninvasive. As opposed to British advertising, American advertising techniques implore a hard-sell approach. This hard sell approach focuses on disseminating information and pressuring the consumer to buy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Eco Tourism In Costa Rica Essays - Tourism In Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Eco Tourism In Costa Rica Essays - Tourism In Costa Rica, Costa Rica Eco Tourism In Costa Rica The Republic of Costa Rica is in the midst of a dramatic transition from a small, Central American nation known for its bananas and good coffee into a gateway for international commerce between Latin America and the rest of the world and a well traveled, if not over traveled, tourist destinationand rightfully so. Costa Rica is a highly attractive country filled with beautiful mountain ranges, undisturbed beaches and friendly natives or Ticos. In addition, Costa Rica offers a highly educated work force, a stable economic and political environment, and exceptional communications and transportation networksespecially in comparison to its neighbors, Panama and Nicaragua. All of these national characteristics, and others, have been fueling a movement of multi-national companies, American retirees and tourists from around the world into Costa Rica, in order to benefit from these treasures. One may adequately predict that Costa Rica, specifically the capital city of San Jose and the coastal regions on both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, have the potential of becoming the Silicon Valley and Ft. Lauderdale of Central America. That is to say, the major U.S. and European firms in the personal computer and software industries, along with retirees and tourists, will continue this trend of moving into Costa Rica for the next twenty five years and maybe more. This trend and its longevity present geographers, environmentalists, politicians and economists with a seemingly insurmountable task of preventing the destruction of Costa Ricas environment, culture, society and natural

Monday, October 21, 2019

Kinship in Sudan Buth and Mar Among the Nuer essays

Kinship in Sudan Buth and Mar Among the Nuer essays Kinship in Sudan: Buth and Mar Among the Nuer The Nuer people are one of more than one hundred ethnic groups in the northeastern African country of Sudan, which stretches stretches southward from Egypt for 2000 kilometres and westward from the Red Sea for 1500 kilometres. The Nuer are the second largest tribe in southern Sudan, numbering over one million people, according to estimates from the 1980's. Other tribes in the south include the more populous Dinka, the Shilluk, Anuak, Acholi and Lotuho, along with numerous smaller tribes. The Dinka are closely associated with the Nuer, and are often integrated into Nuer society when they reside with, or marry into a Nuer village. Principally the Nuer inhabit the swamps and expansive open grasslands on either side of the upper Nile River, and its tributaries, in the south. The south has an equatorial rainy climate, divided by a very dry season and a very wet one, and Nuer life is regulated entirely by the seasons. In the dry season only a few of the older folk remain in the village, the rest going with the cattle to water-holes or to the river bank, where summer camps are built. The Nuer are pre-emiinentaly pastoral, though they grow more millet and maize than is commonly supposed (Evans-Pritchard, 1940:16). The lives of the Nuer revolve around their herding practices, raising cattle, and the seasonal patterns of the terrain. Like many of his pastoral neighbors, the dearest possession of the Nuer is cattle, and their herds play a significant role in the economy, social structure, and religion of these communities. The Nuer cattle are used as payment for virtually everything and are also the main source o f food; they are used in purchases of land, as payment of bride price, and for milk, blood and meat. Cattle are passed down as part of inheritance, and can stay in the family for several generations. An ox or lactating cow is always a part of any religious ceremony &n...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Capital One Case Study Essay Example for Free (#3)

Capital One Case Study Essay 1. What is Capital One’s business and who are their competitors? Capital One’s business deals with a bank financial servicing company. They specialize specifically in banking, credit cards, home loans, auto loans and savings products. Capital One was founded by Richard Fairbank and Nigel Morris in 1988. Fairbank highly focused on the marketing and customization of credit card use and information. The company is very analytical and is very technological when gathering data information. They were basically put together centering around the idea of technology within the company itself. Some of their direct competitors would be against Bank Of America, American Express and Barclay’s bank. 2. What is their strategy to grow profitably and compete? Give examples. Capital One was put together with technology right at the core of their business. This makes them different from their competitors since most other companies had a business model first before technology was every involved. The technological part of their company is very important since they use it to analyze and comprehend their customers characteristics such as credit risk. This is basically their way of improving customer service and to increase profitability. Fairbank developed a data machine that was able to access a customer risk factor from each product as well as detect fraud. At Capital One’s point of inception, the online communication was making its way in our society so the company focused on highly internet marketing. This strategic action lead to 2.5 millions customers signing up as this online banking systems was the new and improved way to make payments. 3. How do they use information to implement their strategy? What kinds of information do they use and where does it come from? They vastly use their information system and technology to help during day to day activities. Their main use of this information is to analyze customer data and make appropriate suggestions and choices regarding their marketing strategy. They implement many â€Å"tests† and have used their idea of diving up their customer population by segmenting their data. This was a success and was a high profit for capital one. This lead to their improvement of customer relationships since they had vast information of them and had technology that could easily access and identify their customers through a digital fingerprint. This company focuses on personal information from their customer base to make decisions and access which one of them will be able to pay them back after a loan. One of the ways capital one has access this information is through the post office’s file and other checking agencies as well. Capital one basically takes information from any pertinent source that can provide then with reliable data. 4. List and describe the information technologies used to support their strategy? Information-based strategy – company focuses on high credit risk\low credit risk – this helps them comprehend their customer’s data and to make sure that their choices are made with those people who are actually going to pay them back – their information-based system collects and analyzes the information which helps them market to their customers as it attracts various aspects of customer’s needs Data Warehouse & Mining Infrastructure – this is to support their information based system while having shared communication between different branches – Their offices in UK and US can have clearly make accurate decisions since they can both have access to each others database – This software analyzes their customer data with such intelligence that it is used to help them with final decision making – It is also used for customer service support 5. Describe their notion of a â€Å"scientific test†. Contrast this approach to product development and launch with a more traditional approach that a manufacturing company might use. Capital One’s scientific test was used with their software to collect test data information while enhancing the data they already had as well. They used this software to analyze and collect information from potential customers. They conducted over 45,000 tests at one point which helped them comprehend customer information while identifying any fraudulent activity as well. They grew every day and had millions of customer signed up online at the end. Capital One had a great relationship with their IT department since technology was part of its core competencies. Fairbank even allowed anyone to propose an idea for a test if it was profitable looking enough. This showed that the company wanted to involve each and every employee to work with them on their marketing strategy. The process for product development occurs when an idea is started, to the design and then with the actual product being manufactured and engineered. Capital One way of working with this process involves having their marketers research and access the information and data to understand their customers tendencies and preferences. A more traditional approach that a manufacturing company may use is having Capital One is started with a strict business model and then having to computerize it later on. Everything is first manually done and analyzed in this case. The technology and use of software would be used later on in terms of Capital One’s informational strategies. Capital One Case Study. (2016, Dec 08).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Summary - Assignment Example Resultantly, the author concluded that the ICT can be incorporated in the Etsako to optimize profits and to increase business efficiency. Three recommendations were proposed in this study. First, hospitality stakeholders should create awareness on the need for organizations to deploy ICT in their operations as a strategy to achieve effectiveness. Also, Hospitality organizations need to equip their employees with ICT skills through the launch of effective training programs. Finally, the ICT related workshops and seminars should be organized for hospitality proprietors and managers to get them acquainted with the significance of ICT in hospital operations. Dana (2013) conducted a statistical research with the primary objective of establishing the role of information technology in the hospitality industry. His research focused on the grouping manner of hotels in Mures County according to the use of ICT technology and the typological analysis of hotels in line with the IT. Interviews were conducted to collect data for the purpose of the research. The following hypotheses were generated and tested for the purpose of this research: After testing the research analysis, all the hypotheses of the study were reaffirmed. The main conclusion of the research was that in Mures County, the hotel industry has integrated little IT technology within their business framework. For those organizations that have incorporated ICT in the business framework, it is clear that this technology goes way far in contributing to the organizational profits. In this view, the author recommends that the hotel managers integrate IT into their business framework. For large organizations, Dana suggests that they adopt the use of professional software to improve their data management system. Lastly, the research recommends that more information technology awareness be created to facilitate its integration in the hospitality industry as a strategy to optimize organizational

Friday, October 18, 2019

Eleanor Roosevelt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Eleanor Roosevelt - Essay Example During 40 years of public service Eleanor Roosevelt was able to change America's viewpoint on gender, race, and our integral part of a global society. To begin to understand Eleanor Roosevelt's contribution to America demands that we evaluate her commitment to Franklin Roosevelt and his desire for a more equal America. After serving a short stint with the American Red Cross and volunteer work in Navy hospitals during World War I, FDR was stricken with polio in 1921 ("Eleanor Roosevelt: First lady of the World" (1)). This propelled Eleanor into the life of politics, as she became a staunch supporter of FDR. It has often been said that she was the eyes and ears of FDR as she traveled the country and the world to report to FDR and offer her advice. These initial actions by Ms. Roosevelt laid the groundwork for one of the most influential figures in American history. One of the first, and certainly the most public, activities that Eleanor Roosevelt undertook was advocating for the poor in the face of Hoover's vision of America. She worked to get FDR elected and then changed her focus to the poor and minorities of America. She traveled the country insuring that the programs of the New Deal were being implemented fairly in regards to women and minorities. According to a recent article in Human Quest, a liberal Episcopalian publication, Ms. Roosevelt, "...gathered evidence and pressured the President to sign a series of Executive Orders to stop the discrimination in the New Deal projects. That was effective, and the share of blacks in New Deal work projects expanded" ("Eleanor Roosevelt, 'First Lady of the World'" (2)). This commitment to civil rights would be carried forward and later influence the desegregation of the armed forces under President Truman. Eleanor Roosevelt's political activism expanded to include women's rights and brought about the public's awareness that gender should be treated as a minority component. As a US Delegate to the United Nations she was instrumental in the writing and advocacy for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The Declaration begins with article 1 stating, "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood" ("Universal Declaration of Human Rights"). Eleanor campaigned to have the wording of this important passage changed from "all men" to its current form ("Eleanor Roosevelt: The World's First Lady."(3)). This was one of the most influential documents regarding women's rights to date and was vital to securing the future of women's rights (Bunch 488). Eleanor was making her influence felt 60 years ago in the arena of women's rights on the international stage. Her pr ogressive thinking continues to reverberate through the vision where women are afforded equality in the workplace and within the law. Ms. Roosevelt's activities did not end with the most visible minority groups of race and gender but extended themselves to the area of the children most affected by the discrimination. In this area, Eleanor Roosevelt was instrumental in forming the African-American voting bloc as a key component of Democratic politics. Her support of the 'Black Cabinet' assured black politicians and administrators access to the president to push for favorable legislation that affected equal employment for women and blacks

Summary about Oklahoma movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary about Oklahoma movie - Essay Example Despite the fact Laurey wants to show she does not care so much about Curly, she is in love with him. They finally decide to go together, but because Laurey is afraid of Jud she suddenly changes her mind. At the box-social, Curly pays the biggest price in a contest over Laurey’s food box. He has sold what he owned and was able to pay $42.31, quite a big sum for that time (the beginning of the 20th century). In three weeks, Curly and Laurey are to marry. Their merry event is overshadowed by Jud’s drunk intrusion. Jud breaks in and threatens his ex-rival with a knife. A brawl starts. Jud falls on his own knife and dies. Curly is acquitted of Jud’s murder and the newlyweds ride off on their exciting honeymoon. The second pair, Ado Annie and Will Parker, too, get married at the end despite Ado was about to change her mind. Specifically, Will wanted to marry Ado, but had to get the sum of $50 just because her father said so. When he returns from the fair in Kansas-city, he finds out that he has to compete for Ado’s affection with Ali Hakim, a Persian peddler. While Will was away, Ado fell for Hakim who was just flirtatious but did not mean to marry her. Ado’s father insists that Hakim marry Ado as he sees his flirt, at the same time Will has lavishly spent his $50 on gifts. Because Hakim, a ladies’ man, does not want to marry Ado and thinks it will be good if Will did, he pays him $50 for his presents, which is the way for Will to win Ado’s hand. Finally, Will and Ado get together to discuss their future prospects, i.e. their

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Technology good or bad Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Technology good or bad - Research Paper Example Many new gadgets in the telecommunication industry, service industry as well s manufacturing are finding their away to the market each day, all determined to change our lives in one way or another. These changes in our lives are what we rate the advancement of technology. While it was not possible to use a phone device to make video class a few years ago, today, it is possible to do more than that and include teleconferencing. Technology has surely brought a new life to the global world. However, many have never thought about the impacts of technology to the negative and are only interested with the positive sides. The truth is that technology has created a much worse world than it used to be few years ago. An article in the CIO Enterprise Magazine by Gunasegaram (1999) elaborated that one thing that has affected the corporate world is the advent of the new technology. According to this report while several years back people could concentrate on their work and production was expandin g rapidly, currently employees can sit the whole day watching movies, chatting in social networks or reviewing irrelevant material over the internet during working hours. A survey carried out in there years to determine the effects of computers in the corporate world revealed that it has taken mangers another burden to devise ways of surveillance and tracking computers and network usage to ensure that employees do not visit unnecessary sites during production hours. Though the measures have been somehow successful, the report indicates that still 83% of companies involved in this research required more monitoring and even had to warn employees of the consequences if caught in such activities (Gunasegaram (1999). Though computers have been acquired by firms to enhance productivity and make work easier and faster, employees have turned them to tools of lazing around. A company has to undergo extra costs in designing software that have to guard the same employees against visiting the p rohibited sites in the work place. This is one of the challenges of technology in the corporate world. Education is another area that has experienced many challenges as a result of technological developments. Though the use of information systems eliminates the geographical and communication barriers, this has been at a high cost in the education sector. Students and young minds cannot differentiate between the real and virtue realities as a result of the technological gadgets. The result has been that the student fraternity has been confused in emulating virtual superstars whom they are in most cases obsessed with, in the expense of their studies (Hutchby and Ellis, 14). Movies that have become a daily encounter in the lives of children have resulted to a loss of generation that cannot differentiate reality with the virtual content that are shown in movies. Though there has been some kind of innovation as a result of this (Hutchby and Ellis, 13), many students have ended up living confused lives and obsessed with movies and other virtual images that are readily available overt the internet. This has downgraded the level of education in schools. Technology has reduced the education in schools to cyber theatrics, and has lost meaning of schooling as originally designed to be. In the earlier years, teachers were supposed to guide students through in class and develop a higher rapport in understanding their students. Currently, many schools are

Individual assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Individual assignment - Essay Example that company operations do not violate any of the standards set by law. Both internal and external audit must be done periodically to ensure that company operations are within the limits of standards set by law (Pricewaterhouse Coopers 2001 p 24). Torts are also known as civil wrongs and entitle a victim to recover damages. There are three kinds of Torts: intentional torts; negligence and; strict tort liability. Intentional torts are injuries that a party sustained as a result of another person’s intentional acts. Examples of intentional torts are: defamation, which are untrue statements made by a person to inflict damage against another; contract interference, or interfering on the freedom of parties to enter into contract; false imprisonment, is the detention of an unwilling party; intentional infliction of emotional distress, and; invasion of privacy, which can be committed either by interfering with another’s privacy business, disclosing to the public the private matters of another, and; stealing the identity of another for profit (Jennings 2005 pp 367-380). The tort of negligence, on the other hand, presupposes a situation when a party comes to harm because the other party acted in wanton disregard of other’s safety and health. To prove negligence, its five elements must concur and be proven: the duty to act with care; the breach of the duty through careless actions; causation, or that the breach of the party of the duty of care is the result of the injuries sustained; the negligence of the party must be the direct or proximate cause of the injury, and; the victim must show that he or she must have sustained damages because of the negligent act of the other party (Jennings 2005 pp 383-394). Finally, strict tort liability is a type of tort that is so called because the law imposes absolute liability on the erring party and providing him with

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Why does Hollywood hates Arabs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Why does Hollywood hates Arabs - Essay Example We can infer this typical stereotyping from a film â€Å"Reel Bad Arabs† which does not require the audience to have an impression about what Arabs and Muslims are. It resembles the word â€Å"Real Bad Arabs† which the word alone passed a negative judgement about a certain group of people with a distinct culture without even inquiring the essence of Mohammedism. This stereotyping is typical and often feeds and enflames on the prejudice against Muslims and Arabs. It rides on the negative aspect of pathos, or capitalizing on the negative emotional connotation and impression about Arabs to sell as a film by highlighting Arabs and Muslims as bad guys as initially conveyed by the news. This is quite effective because this approach appeals to the basic instinct of people which is fear. Fear is common among people and Hollywood use this to elicit interest among the audience of its films by demonizing the Arabs and Muslims whom fear can feed on. It is only unfortunate that this fear can later turned into loathing because it is human nature to reject and abhor things that its fears. Arabs and Muslims then became as a favorite enemy of Hollywood when its audience subconsciously wants to confront and overcome its fear. It then exalts the virtue of overcoming a challenge at the expense of another group of people who are helpless about their portrayals in the films. Demonizing Arabs does not even have to be logical. The tile â€Å"Reel Bad Arabs† is not even intelligible nor have any shade of logos in it but its producers knew that it does not have to be reasonable or logical in the presentation of its film to have an audience. Hollywood knows that when people’s pathos are awakened, the logos can be overshadowed because the audience are already entertained by capitalizing and feeding on their fears. This fear was even made into humor by Leslie Nielsen in the film â€Å"An American Carol† where Leslie

Individual assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Individual assignment - Essay Example that company operations do not violate any of the standards set by law. Both internal and external audit must be done periodically to ensure that company operations are within the limits of standards set by law (Pricewaterhouse Coopers 2001 p 24). Torts are also known as civil wrongs and entitle a victim to recover damages. There are three kinds of Torts: intentional torts; negligence and; strict tort liability. Intentional torts are injuries that a party sustained as a result of another person’s intentional acts. Examples of intentional torts are: defamation, which are untrue statements made by a person to inflict damage against another; contract interference, or interfering on the freedom of parties to enter into contract; false imprisonment, is the detention of an unwilling party; intentional infliction of emotional distress, and; invasion of privacy, which can be committed either by interfering with another’s privacy business, disclosing to the public the private matters of another, and; stealing the identity of another for profit (Jennings 2005 pp 367-380). The tort of negligence, on the other hand, presupposes a situation when a party comes to harm because the other party acted in wanton disregard of other’s safety and health. To prove negligence, its five elements must concur and be proven: the duty to act with care; the breach of the duty through careless actions; causation, or that the breach of the party of the duty of care is the result of the injuries sustained; the negligence of the party must be the direct or proximate cause of the injury, and; the victim must show that he or she must have sustained damages because of the negligent act of the other party (Jennings 2005 pp 383-394). Finally, strict tort liability is a type of tort that is so called because the law imposes absolute liability on the erring party and providing him with

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni Essay Example for Free

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni Essay One Amazing Thing by: Chitra Divakaruni. It was first published in the US in voice by Hyperion in 2009 and later published by Penguin books India February 2010. The book also has 240 pages. Chitra B. Divakaiumi is an award winning author poet. Her work is widely known, as she has been published in over 500 magazines. Including Atlantic Monthly and The New Yorker, and her writing has been included in over 50 anthologies. She was born in India and lived there until 1976. At which point she left Calcutta and came to the United States. A young woman Uma, sits in the waiting room of the India passport office. She starts to get very impatient, and she entertains herself by observing the other people in the waiting room with her. Everyone has a reason of why they want to enter into India. In the waiting area their waits an Africa American war veteran Cameron who takes charge, but some are unhappy about it. A Muslim names Tariq. An upper class Caucasian couple that really don’t get alone. A Chinese grandmother with a secret past, and her granddaughter, two visa office workers on the verge of and affair Malathi and Mr. Mangalam, and Uma. As they all set in the waiting area Uma starts to feel a little rumbling and that when the earthquake strikes. When everything settles down, there were some major injuries as well as some minor injuries. People started to go into survival mode, as there is little food to eat. The office starts to flood. So emotional stress seems to much for everyone to handle as they wait to be rescued or die. So that’s when Uma comes up with everyone telling â€Å"One Amazing Thing† , about themselves because she believes that no one can go through life without encountering at least one amazing thing. So everyone begin to tell one amazing thing that they have never told anyone before. With One Amazing Thing everyone discover so much from each other as well as their selves. Elderly Caucasian couple Mr. and Mrs. Pritchet going through a difficult time in their marriage, an Indian-Muslim man Tariq who is disillusioned and angry with the new US, as Chinese lady Jiang who loved and lost a man in her younger days, her granddaughter Lily, a middle age army officer haunted by his guilt Cameron, Malathi a visa officer who is engaging in a affair with her boss, Mr. Mangalam on the verge of an extra-martial affair, an Indian-American student Uma, who is confused by her parents decision to return to Kolkata after living in the US for over 20 years. The plot focuses on a group of strangers who are trapped in a visa office. Most customers even some staff have come and gone, but nine people remain in the office. When an earthquake rips through the afternoon, trapping these nine characters together, their focus first is to survive through the struggle. There is a little food from which came from what people had. The office begins to flood, and everyone starts to panic and get really scared and frustrated. So when the emotional stress seems to be to much for them to bear, the young lady Uma tells them to tell a personal tale about them that no one knows about â€Å"One Amazing Thing†, from what they have been through in life. So all of their stories from the romance, self-discovery, family, etc. This novel really proves the power of a lot of stories and the meaning of us as human’s expressions itself. In my opinion the book â€Å"One Amazing Thing†, is an engaging book because it reinforces the idea that all of us are different and unique in our own ways, and that we all have stories of our lives that may be interesting or not to tell. We all can connect to this book or see one another if we are willing to take the time out to listen to people. Because everyone has a something to tell, and amazing is not always positive words. But describes something that might have changed a life, or the course of someone life. Some of the stories are very heart breaking, but all of them paint a picture in some way of the characters and why they may be who they have become. Thing by: Chitra Divakaruni. It was first published in the US in voice by Hyperion in 2009 and later published by Penguin books India February 2010. The book also has 240 pages. Chitra B. Divakaiumi is an award winning author poet. Her work is widely known, as she has been published in over 500 magazines. Including Atlantic Monthly and The New Yorker, and her writing has been included in over 50 anthologies. She was born in India and lived there until 1976. At which point she left Calcutta and came to the United States. A young woman Uma, sits in the waiting room of the India passport office. She starts to get very impatient, and she entertains herself by observing the other people in the waiting room with her. Everyone has a reason of why they want to enter into India. In the waiting area their waits an Africa American war veteran Cameron who takes charge, but some are unhappy about it. A Muslim names Tariq. An upper class Caucasian couple that really don’t get alone. A Chinese grandmother with a secret past, and her granddaughter, two visa office workers on the verge of and affair Malathi and Mr. Mangalam, and Uma. As they all set in the waiting area Uma starts to feel a little rumbling and that when the earthquake strikes. When everything settles down, there were some major injuries as well as some minor injuries. People started to go into survival mode, as there is little food to eat. The office starts to flood. So emotional stress seems to much for everyone to handle as they wait to be rescued or die. So that’s when Uma comes up with everyone telling â€Å"One Amazing Thing† , about themselves because she believes that no one can go through life without encountering at least one amazing thing. So everyone begin to tell one amazing thing that they have never told anyone before. With One Amazing Thing everyone discover so much from each other as well as their selves. Elderly Caucasian couple Mr. and Mrs. Pritchet going through a difficult time in their marriage, an Indian-Muslim man Tariq who is disillusioned and angry with the new US, as Chinese lady Jiang who loved and lost a man in her younger days, her granddaughter Lily, a middle age army officer haunted by his guilt Cameron, Malathi a visa officer who is engaging in a affair with her boss, Mr. Mangalam on the verge of an extra-martial affair, an Indian-American student Uma, who is confused by her parents decision to return to Kolkata after living in the US for over 20 years. The plot focuses on a group of strangers who are trapped in a visa office. Most customers even some staff have come and gone, but nine people remain in the office. When an earthquake rips through the afternoon, trapping these nine characters together, their focus first is to survive through the struggle. There is a little food from which came from what people had. The office begins to flood, and everyone starts to panic and get really scared and frustrated. So when the emotional stress seems to be to much for them to bear, the young lady Uma tells them to tell a personal tale about them that no one knows about â€Å"One Amazing Thing†, from what they have been through in life. So all of their stories from the romance, self-discovery, family, etc. This novel really proves the power of a lot of stories and the meaning of us as human’s expressions itself. In my opinion the book â€Å"One Amazing Thing†, is an engaging book because it reinforces the idea that all of us are different and unique in our own ways, and that we all have stories of our lives that may be interesting or not to tell. We all can connect to this book or see one another if we are willing to take the time out to listen to people. Because everyone has a something to tell, and amazing is not always positive words. But describes something that might have changed a life, or the course of someone life. Some of the stories are very heart breaking, but all of them paint a picture in some way of the characters and why they may be who they have become.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Leading And Managing A Change In Clinical Practice Nursing Essay

Leading And Managing A Change In Clinical Practice Nursing Essay I had seen many patients complains of complex wounds that need long time to cure. Complex wounds are considered as a real challenge to the health care providers especially when it is accompanied with factors that can play role in impaired and complicate wound healing such as Surgery, infection, the presence of diabetes, Trauma, Radiation, Autoimmune diseases and arteriosclerosis. As stated by Ferreira. M, 2006: The most commonly seen complex wounds that require special care and attention are Wounds in the lower extremity of diabetic patients, Pressure ulcers, Chronic venous ulcers, Wounds following extensive necrotic processes caused by infections and Chronic wounds related to vasculitis and immunosuppressive therapy that have not healed using simple care. There is no specialized and responsible team who can determine the best type of management for the patients with complex wounds. The health care provider in the hospital is providing the same care and management to the patients who complaining of simple or complex wounds. They need to know that There are striking differences between simple wounds, for example surgical wounds or skin scratches, and those chronic wounds that do not heal primarily and demand specialized care, mostly in hospitals (Ferreira. M, 2006) .This will harm the patient (physically and emotionally), decrease the quality of care that provides to the patients, delay wound healing and increase the period of hospitalization. The care provided for patients with wounds can be described in one single word which its DRESSING. While the treatment of the complex wound is much complicated. Determining that the majority of these complex wounds should be considered surgical cases and not just cases for dressings as stated by Ferreira. M. 2006. The treatment of complex wounds should be by using surgical procedures instead of the clinical measures. In addition to debridements, skin grafting, and flap coverage. Health care providers (doctors, nurses, etc) need to increase their awareness about the important of the presence of wound management team in each hospital to decide the best type of management, decrease the complexity of the treatment and choose the best surgical approaches that will increase the quality of life to the patient. Step 2 A complicated wound needs more than just a bandage to recover and heal. It needs special attention; compassion of a wound care team who are specializes in non-healing and slow to heal wounds. As stated by Tjandra. J, 2001Wound healing is the replacement of destroyed tissue by living tissue, and is fundamental to survival. My vision is to form a team of professionals who work together to assess patients wound and provide input regarding their treatment. This team consists of physicians, physical therapists, dietitians and nurses wound therapy nurses and nurses specialized in complex wounds. These specialized wound nurses may visit patients in their home in order to provide an effective plan to heal their wounds. They have to work on providing appropriate wound care to the patients that will help the complex wound to heal faster. As well as they should know that Wound healing may be impaired by general factors such as malnutrition, corticosteroids, diabetes mellitus and anaemia, which affect the patient as a whole. And local factors such as infection, ischaemia and hematoma which affect the site of the wound (Tjandra. J, 2001). In addition to cleansing, control bacterial growth and prevent infection. This team will also provides education to patients and their families to help prevent any future complications, increase there awareness regard complex wounds and their demands to heal, encourage them to collaborate with the team and participate in the treatment. This change will enhance the quality of care patients received; improve the quality of life, decrease the period of hospitalization and promote the process of healing. It is important that all practitioners are aware of the pathophysiology and aetiology of pressure ulcers and mechanisms to prevent pressure ulcer development (Ousey, K, 2005) because Patients with complex wounds need to spend long period in the hospital so they will be at high risk of develop bed sore. Team members should coordinate program to prevent pressure ulcer that will protect the patient from getting this series skin problem. This change will build up a very strong team who are able to put the patient on the right way of cure and make them able to treat the complex wounds in time less than the expected. It is a real chance for all the health care provider specially nurses toward increasing their knowledge and improving there skills. Wound care team consider as a good step towards improving the health care services in the hospital. Step 3 4 Leadership is a very important concept in nursing professional that helps to develop the skills of nurses and the other health care professionals. I will be able to achieve my vision by using one of the most important models in leaderships and management. It is John Adairs Leadership model. Adair has developed what he calls a functional approach to leadership based on three overlapping circles of needs which are achieving the task, managing the team or group and managing individuals (Cipd 2010). By adopting this model of leadership, my responsibilities as a leader to achieve the task are as follows: sharing my vision, goals, and objectives with the team members. Then, create an action plan to achieve the task, considering timescales and strategies. It is important to share my action plan with the members and ask them for feedback or suggestions. After that I will distribute responsibilities by agreement and delegation, monitor and maintain overall performance against plan and report the progress toward the team aim continuously. Finally review, reassess, adjust plan, methods as necessary. In addition to that I will encourage and motivate the members to be involved in making decisions and giving suggestions, to make the task a success and meet our goals. The leader should try to resolve any groups conflicts and look for ways to develop a cooperative team working. However, to develop each nurse and improve her skills, we will recognize the team member as individuals, and get to know their strengths and needs, we have to help them and encourage them to challenge the complex cases of wounds. It is very important to give awards and recognitions to the individuals hard efforts and work. Therefore, to achieve my vision and reveal the benefits of this change I will apply Lewins three- stage model of change. It is a holistic model that helps people to think about the change and gradually adopt it as pointed out by martin (2003). Lewin proposed 3 stages for any changes to occur, including: the unfreezing stage is when people start to believe that there is a need for change, the moving stage, when it is possible to make changes, and the refreezing stage is when the change is strengthened and becomes the new normal state (martin 2003). In the unfreezing stage team members must realize that they will be able to treat any type of complex wounds and promote wound healing if they work on improve their knowledge and skills. They will see the importance of act as one collaborative group to enhance the quality of care and promote wound healing. As stated by Reinelt (2010) Evidence-based practice (EBP) is commonly used to inform practice decisions in the fields of medicine, nursing, social work, child welfare, and criminal justice. So it is important to provide the team with some evidence based research that will guide decision-making about what treatments and protocols to use with individual patients, and offenders to ensure the highest possible accountability for producing good results. Reinelt (2010). In addition to that, I will invite nurses and doctors from other countries that are already implemented this idea in their hospitals and ask them to give presentation to our health care providers about their experience and discuses how this change can improve the quality of care and increase the benefits to the patients. Throughout this stage, I will be expecting initial resistance to the change by some people but I will listen carefully to their opinions and issues, I will try to convince them of the important and the benefits of implementing this change. I will also encourage them to give suggestions that would help in achieving my vision. In the moving stage, we will see the possibility of forming complex wound team in the hospital and improve members skills and knowledge. In this stage I will arrange for different teaching sessions and workshops that will help in increase members knowing, improve their therapeutic and communication skills, and enhance their confidence. One of the most important nursing leadership qualities is supporting your team, If the members of the team wish to develop new skills, or apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical environment, it is important that the leader provide a supportive environment for them to try out these skills. This will provide them with the true method of learning, and develop their skills in a competent manner (Lalwani, P. 2010). In addition, there will be a team supervisor who will distribute and organize the work between the members and promote team collaboration. In the refreezing stage, the change is carried out and implemented, the team is working together to treat and promote healing of any difficult wounds. Leader should keep in mind that not every member can deal with stress and other such aspects of the profession very well. So, as a leader, I will need to support them, and understand and help them in a way that proves useful for them (Lalwani, P. 2010). The Leader is responsible of solving problems, encourage and motivate the members and introduce feedbacks, as stated by Lalwani, P. 2010, Feedback can, and should also be positive, as this will further encourage your team members to perform better and keep introducing innovative yet efficient ways of becoming independent. Therefore, there will be monitoring committee to observe team achievements, evaluate their understanding, knowledge and skills and recognize the benefits of this change for patients, families, and the healthcare providers. The findings will determine if we will carry o n this change, stop it or create another action plan to overcome the difficulties and improve the outcomes. Step5 As stated by Lalwani, P. 2010, my goal is ensure the betterment of the organization I am work for, by improving the quality of patient care, which I can do with the application of various creative leadership qualities and management strategies, and the different leadership styles in nursing. My action plan included many steps and events which will aid to achieve my vision and create wound management team consist of physicians and nurses specialize in the complex wounds. This will help to achieve my goals such as enhance the quality of care patients received, improve patients quality of life, and promote healing of the difficult wounds. In addition to improve health care providers knowledge and skills regarding the difficult wounds and the most important thing is create nurses specialize in wound therapy and make them able to treat any complicated wounds. So I think my action plan is fit well with my previous explanation and rational for change. Conclusion By the end of this assignment I discover that there are at least 8 qualities that successful leaders have: Responsibility, Integrity, Decision takers, Deal with facts, Vision and inspiration, Optimism, Resilient, and Excellence (Brodie, D. 2008). The Successful leaders are not just working to put themselves in good senior position but to use their skills, knowledge and all the leadership qualities for the growth of the organization that they are working for, provide high quality of care to the patients that will lead to patient satisfaction and play role in the progress of their health and well being. I can understand now that the leaders are those who are willing to follow. They must be perfect in whatever they do, because by doing their best; they will discover that only the best is expected from their team members. Tjandra, J. Clunie, G. Thomas, R (2001). Text Book of Surgery/ Wound Healing and Wound Management. USA, Canada, Australia. 2nd ed., Pp 20, 23, 24, 25. Ousey. K, (2005) Pressure Area Care, UK.1st ed., Pp 13 Martin, V. 2003 Leading change in health and social care, 1st ed., Routledge: London and New York, Pp. 104-06. (Lalwani, P. 2010)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Security Versus Privacy Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive essays

Security Versus Privacy As a result of 9/11, our country has been faced with a new issue: electronic privacy. The terrorists that attacked us used our own technology against us to protect their activities from our view. Because of this, we are now forced to make a decision between two desirable things: privacy and national security. On the one hand, our right to privacy will ensure that our personal rights are not violated, whereas, on the other hand, national security would allow us some comfort against the evil in the world. What are we supposed to do? This issue, however it is decided, will have tremendous impact on each and every one of our lives. The ruling that the government makes concerning this issue will greatly alter the course of our nation and our lives. Our world can either offer complete privacy, which will protect even the criminals from sight, or it will be a closely monitored space that almost completely eliminates our rights as a free person. Now, it is very unlikely, however, that the wo rld will reach one of these two extremes. A quote from The Economist says it well. 'Amidst all this sound and fury, both sides need to consider the fundamental question: in light of the attack, where must the balancing point between security and liberty be set' (The Economist). It does not seem possible to stray to either extreme. Instead, these two issues are dependent on each other. Therefore, our country must seek to find a balance between the two extremes. The government will, however, end up favoring one idea over the other, and that is the crucial part. Their decision will forever change the way people use technology, for personal, business, and other uses. There are currently a few main solutions pertaining to th... .... Bill of Rights. n.d. Cornell Law School. 30 March 2002. Brown, Jason. Personal interview (MOO Lecture). 4 April 2002. Economist. 29 September 2001. 27 February 2002 Electronic Frontier Foundation. n.d. 29 March 2002 Grier, Peter. ?Fragile Freedoms.? Christian Science Monitor 13 December 2001. 29 March 2001 Knouse, Lois E. Personal interview. 11 April 2002. Leahy, Patrick. Statement Of Senator Patrick Leahy. 25 October 2001. U.S. Senate. 27 February 2002 McCullagh, Declan. ?Congress Mulls Stiff Crypto Laws.? Wired Magazine 13 September 2001. 29 March 2002

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Joseph Ridgeway Grundy :: essays papers

Joseph Ridgeway Grundy I am from a small town called Bristol Borough, Pennsylvania. It is along the Delaware River, about 25 miles northeast of Philadelphia. Bristol Borough was founded in 1681. This is the states third oldest borough, that was once a busy river port with important shipbuilding activities (Cohen 438). It is predominately residential, with the exception of Mill Street, the community's traditional commercial street. It includes fine examples of many major styles and idioms, reflecting the community's long history and its importance as a transportation and commercial center (Owen 133). The 28-acre Bristol Industrial Historic District includes the original town of Bristol and the residential area that extends northeast along the bank of the Delaware River (Owen 132). The Bristol Industrial Historic District is a significant collection of the factory and mill complexes containing elements dating from 1875-1937 (Owen 133). Among the mills is the Grundy Mill Complex. It is a visual represe ntation of industrial growth of Bristol Borough. This mill was run by Joseph R. Grundy. The dramatic scale of later buildings stand as the source and monument to the wealth and power of Joseph Grundy (Owen 145). Joseph Grundy was the proprietor of the Bristol Worsted Mills, and one of the most prominent manufacturers and businessmen of Bucks County (Green 252). The Bristol Worsted Mills no longer run but the building is still standing. Bristol owes a lot to Joseph R. Grundy for his contributions to the people and the town itself. Joseph Ridgeway Grundy was born in Camden, New Jersey, on January 13, 1863 ("Grundy Joseph R. 1). As a small boy, Joe had boundless energy and a vast curiosity. A propensity for childish mischief was taxing. Joe was enrolled in the Moravian Family School for Boys at the age of nine to see if it would help (Hutton 57). His pleasure in all types of athletics was reflected in his letters to home, he loved to skate and go coasting. Joe became a champion bowler, or tenpins player as the game was called at the school, a distinction he retained throughout the years. Now at the age of twelve, his family felt that he had quieted down enough to fit into the family pattern at home and was sent to public school for the next two years and his social contacts widened (Hutton 61). In 1877, Joe was entering the secondary division at Swarthmore, the Quaker institution serving as both a preparatory school and college (Hutton 63).

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Catwoe Analysis System Health And Social Care Essay

Sweden is the 3rd largest state in Western Europe. It is a comfortable and sophisticated state and provides a criterion of wellness attention that is admired by many international health care suppliers and it has on a regular basis ranked at or near the top of most comparative analyses of international wellness attention systems ( Sweden Association of Local Authorities and Regions, 2005 ) . Sweden is a constitutional monarchy based on a parliamentary democracy. The proprietors of the public wellness system are the state ‘s three democratically elected degrees of authorities. Parliament passes statute law, decides on province gross and outgo and has overall duty for development in wellness attention. Administration is decentralised and the wellness attention bringing system is managed by 21 county councils. Based on geographic locations, the councils are responsible for the wellness of the population in their several countries. This involves non merely the proviso of wellness attention but besides wellness publicity and disease bar ( European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2005 ) . County councils besides regulate private wellness attention ( Mighealth, 2009 ) . The 290 local councils ( urban countries ) are responsible for aged attention and nursing places, including people with physical or psychological disablements. Transformations: Sweden operates a individual remunerator, decentralised, publically owned theoretical account, supplying wellness insurance to every person. Overall 85 % of wellness attention comes from public support. County councils are responsible for the majority of support and operations. Over 90 % of county gross goes to wellness attention, which is funded chiefly from revenue enhancement levies. The municipalities are responsible for the support and bringing of long term attention and societal services. Both the county councils and the municipalities have the right to impose relative income revenue enhancements. Even though persons enjoy cosmopolitan wellness insurance they are still capable to little co-payments and fees for hospital visits, pharmaceuticals and other services. County councils besides regulate private wellness attention. A private wellness attention supplier must hold an understanding in order to be reimbursed by societal insurance, therefore private wellness attention ( with a few exclusions ) is publicly funded in footings of insurance ( Mighealth, 2009 ) . Private insurance is really limited and merely about 2.3 % of persons chose to buy private auxiliary programs ( European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2005 ) . Servicess are by and large limited to those non available in the public wellness attention system. Most wellness attention is provided in wellness Centres where the histrions are the people who deliver services are the multidisciplinary squad. Around 25 % of these wellness Centres are in private run endeavors that are commissioned by county councils. There are around 60 infirmaries countrywide with a little figure of them being regional infirmaries that offer extremely specialised attention. The county councils employ the bulk of doctors through a salary or on a capitated rate. Doctors can work outside the public wellness system wholly but patients have to pay the full costs. Swedish wellness attention consumes about one ten percent of the state ‘s entire resources. Therefore it is important that the resources be used sagely and be efficaciously. Environmental restraints faced by Sweden include the two rule factors that are giving rise to increased wellness attention outgo internationally. First there is the demand to equilibrate cost effectivity with increased public demands based on progresss in engineering and intervention. These increased demands equate to lifting wellness attention costs which may be unacceptable to the population who already pay higher revenue enhancements than many other European states. Additionally Sweden, like the remainder of the Western universe has an increasing ageing population. 17 % of its citizens are over 65 old ages of age ( Gennser, 1996 ) . There are two typical schools of idea sing how the addition in the aged population will impact public wellness attention. One position is that the future growing of the aged population will bring forth major additions in wellness outgos which are non likely sustainable given the current administration and support of wellness attention. The contrasting position suggests that wellness attention outgos will increase as a consequence of the growing in the aged population, but most of the growing in wellness attention outgos will be manageable because of some combination of the reallocation of outgos from the immature to the old, attendant additions in productiveness and beginnings ensuing from new engineerings and efficiencies betterments within the wellness attention sector. Whichever position is favoured there is still an increased demand for healthcare intercessions in footings of intervention, attention and bar likewise. Sweden compares favorably in a universe position of wellness attention systems. Whereas in most European states at that place has been an addition in disbursement as a per centum of GDP, Sweden has been the exclusion as it has fallen over a figure of old ages. The last two decennaries have seen many European states set up wellness system reforms aimed at controling the lifting rate of disbursement growing, increase efficiency and widen pick and reactivity and all this at a clip when the sum of attention to be delivered is get downing to transcend the available resources. Sweden has worked at run intoing these purposes whilst still being committed to cosmopolitan entree and equity in service proviso. Part Two: Analyse the key reforms that have been implemented in this wellness system over the past decennary. Although the cardinal construction of the Swedish wellness system has remained reasonably consistent over the last half century, negative tendencies in the economic system which were rendering the system unsustainable in the late 1980 ‘s led to a turning discontent amongst the populace. After three decennaries of rapid economic growing, the economic system was decelerating down. As a consequence of this in the 1990s major reforms evolved in many countries of Sweden, where wellness suppliers experimented with new economic inducements among wellness attention suppliers. These included the debut of the purchaser/provider split, DRG-based reimbursements and extended patient pick. The DRG monetary value mechanism was introduced in 1990 and by basically attaching an official monetary value ticket to every infirmary intervention, authorities budget shapers enabled suppliers both to better their public presentation and to switch the system ‘s focal point to the demands of health- care consumers. In a single-payer theoretical account without monetary values the mission of health-care workers is to make everything possible to handle patients successfully, and people who need intervention be given to drench the system with demand. Funders constricted by budgets so seek to command runaway costs by seting a ceiling on the volume of attention, an action which creates deficits and waiting lists. When compensation beyond the bound is reduced or withdrawn, the production of services slows down and even Michigans. Puting monetary values back into the equation in Sweden changed inducements. Not merely was hospital support improved by the increased production of services, but besides private suppliers were available to execute interventions on an equal footing. This stimulation to productiveness required that reimbursement degrees be transparent, stable and dependable. The fairness implicit in the DRG pricing system and the information it conveyed enabled buyers to be s plit from suppliers within publically funded health care ( Hjertqvist, 2002 ) . Patient rights were besides really much in focal point during the 1890ss, there were alterations in waiting list warrants both in 1992 and 1997 and as the Patients ‘ Rights Reform came approximately in 1999, although there were alterations to the latter some old ages subsequently. They have shown a turning committedness towards wellness publicity. Preventive attention potentially offers a cost-efficient alternate to high-cost engineering and medical attention. Part Three: Explain how one of these chief reforms could be applied within the Maltese system in order to either contain public outgo or increase quality and efficiency. Mental ailment wellness is noted as one of the largest public wellness jobs in Sweden. It excessively is an country that has been capable to the purchaser/provider attack. Dr Thomas Flodin, a board member of the Swedish Medical Association, said he did non hold any expostulation to increased usage of the private sector. â€Å" What is of import is non who provides the attention, but that it remains available to everyone. † And this seems to be one of the underlying features of the Swedish system ( cited by Triggle, 2005 ) . Presently in Malta private mental wellness service suppliers are limited to Consultant Psychiatrists who although seeing patients in private, finally rely on public services for attention and intervention or likewise para-professional such as psychologists. With merely one psychiatric infirmary and centrally managed para-services there is a monopoly on mental sick wellness service proviso. If this theoretical account was to be adopted so market inducements could be introduced into a system that is presently publically managed. The production of services would go the exclusive concern of supplier organic structures. This may non needfully mention to ‘new ‘ suppliers but may besides include infirmaries, nursing places and community wellness Centres, who would no longer keep a budget and make up one's mind how it should be spent. Cardinal budgets are a tool to cut down costs during times of economic diminution. Servicess are reduced and activity slows down ( e.g. deficiency of community mental wellness services, bed barricading due to deficiency of services to ease flow of patients ) . Alternatively, gross would depend on contracts from buyers. Buyers would non be consumers or patients, but buying governments established to purchase ( but non bring forth ) wellness services. The buying governments would be commissioned to procure betterments in wellness for defined populations ( people with mental sick wellness ) , and do so by measuring their population ‘s wellness attention demands, finding the most cost-efficient agencies of run intoing these demands, and undertaking suppliers to provide the services required. Cardinal to the purchaser/provider separation is the procedure of competitory tendering, or catching, designed to promote competition among suppliers. Introducing competition would add pluralism to what is now a set, restricted group of services. Having estimated which and how many services are needed, the buying authorization would ask for suppliers to subject stamps for contracts to provide them. These contracts would include stipulate the type and sum of attention to be supplied, the quality of the service, and the contractual period. Once these were awarded, suppliers would be able to concentrate on the proficient facets of proviso, taking to carry through their contractual duties at lowest cost. Competitive tendering forces suppliers to continually seek to better the efficiency of their productive procedures. The more efficient will win more contracts by being able to subject lower commands than their rivals. They will besides be able to spread out into new countries of service bringing. The buying authorization would be good placed to change the mix of services available by moving in the involvements of their populations and exerting their purchasing power. Released from the influence of suppliers, buying governments are able to replace traditional attention attacks with advanced services and guarantee that services are received in their most appropriate scenes, and contract for cost effectual signifiers of proviso. Furthermore, given their duty to procure mensurable wellness betterments it is in their involvement to guarantee a greater co-ordination of attention for single users. Suppliers will ever appreciate that efficiency will ever be better paid than inefficiency. This would hold a monolithic impact on patients who at nowadays have to accept attention and intervention that is normally generalized and to a great extent based on tradition and administered in a grossly paternalistic civilization of the adviser ever being right and hence the exclusive writer of th eir intervention bundle. Making a market environment breaks up traditional beaurocratic attacks. In Sweden many former public service employees became enterprisers by choosing to run as private suppliers and working conditions of wellness attention employees and improved as they ‘voted with their pess ‘ . This excessively would be possible in Malta. Cardinal authorities need non play a major portion in the twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours running of the wellness system. After set uping regulative maps, and apportioning population weighted budgets to buying governments, the market can be left to itself, with the cardinal authorities curtailing itself to the fiscal and public presentation audit of buyers. Government sections may publish guidelines and directives to accomplish a grade of consistence in buying determinations, and to guarantee that the wellness system contributes to national aims and precedences. Government can concentrate on stand foring the population by explicating a vision for mental wellness in Malta. Implementing such a wellness attention reform in Malta addition handiness, competition and patient pick.MentionsEuropean Observatory on Health Systems and Policies ( 2005 ) Health Systems in Transition. Hit Drumhead: Sweden. Writer. Gennser, M. ( 1996 ) Sweden ‘s Health Care System: Swedish attitudes about wellness attention. In Healthy Incentives: Canadian Health Reform in an International Context. Edited by: McArthur W, Ramsay C and Walker M. Vancouver. The Fraser Institute. Hjertqvist, J. ( 2002 ) Health Care Treatment Prices In Swedish Hospitals: DRGs are a cardinal to performance-based wellness reform. Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20Frontiers % 206 % 20- % 20DRG % 20Prices % 20in % 20Sweden % 20including % 20appendix % 20final.PDF Mighealth ( 2009 ) Introduction to Swedish Health Care. Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions ( 2005 ) Swedish Health Care in an International Context – a comparing of attention demands, costs, and outcomes. Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // Triggle, N. ( 2005 ) Keeping Healthy, the Swedish manner. Available from hypertext transfer protocol: //,