Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Partner by John Grisham Essay -- The Partner by John Grisham

The Partner by John Grisham The Partner is one of John Grisham's best books by far! There was a little more description in The Partner, then in The Firm, but this one had a very slow intro. The book opened with an anonymous man living in Brazil under an unknown name. Patrick Lanigan, now known as Danilo Silva, was living a normal life, not making a big deal about the ninety million dollars he had stolen from his ex-law firm two years ago. Danilo is wanted by his ex-law firm buddies, his client from whom he stole the money, and from the FBI. The people that want him the most were the men hired by the client that lost the ninety million, and they were the ones he was afraid of. He knew if the FBI found him he’d be busted, but also safe, if the other thugs found him, he was dead, all they cared about was the money. One day while he was jogging Danilo is kidnapped and taken to a place where he is tortured with electricity and other devious objects. The FBI received a tip that Patrick Lanigan had been captured, and when the FBI found this team of hitmen, and took Patrick, he had already received burns on his skin and charred his flesh. When Danilo returns to his home town, he once again is Patrick Lanigan, and is forced to face up to all the things he has done in his past. The first thing he does is he gets himself a good lawyer, one he knew from his first life, an old buddy from college. A judge friend, the one who spoke at his funeral, also came to visit Patrick in the ho...

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