Tuesday, August 25, 2020

People migrate to America

Perusing Amy Tan's â€Å"Two Kinds† just because is confounding. The message isn't exactly clear until one investigations the setting of the story. The story manages workers and the American desire for progress, yet essentially of a daugthters relationship to her mom. â€Å"Two Kinds† recounts to the account of Jing-mei and her mom. Jing-mei's mom moved to America subsequent to â€Å"losing everything in China. † When she was youthful, Jing-mei's mom revealed to her the potential o being effective in America. â€Å"You can be a prodigy,† her mom says.Her mother had given Jing-mei piano exercises with the end goal that her gifts will appear. Eventhough Jing-mei perceives that she has the ability, she will not give herself into it since she felt a feeling of disobedience inside her. She couldn't give her actual gifts due to her own inadequacies. At long last her mom surrenders her desires for her girl. The contention exists in Jing-mei. She needs to be somet hing different and simultaneously she needs just to act naturally. She was from the start similarly as eager to discover her prodigy.But she felt the weight originating from her mom and simultaneously she felt fretful for it. Her mom. in any case, attempted to force to her what she can't be. â€Å"I won't let her change me,† she lets herself know in the mirror. When she discovered her tendency, she would not seek after and hone it somewhat due to her insubordination towards her mom. Her mom, then again, acted the manner in which she did in view of her fantasy of accomplishment. Individuals move to America looking for greener fields, however researchers accept that what the outsiders couldn't accomplish they go to their children or daughters.Jing-mei was a casualty of such circumtance. In spite of the fact that, it was additionally the aim of her mom to see her little girl prevail throughout everyday life, Jing-mei felt she's being pushed to something she's most certainly not. Jing-mei didn't see that her mom had profound confidence in her. Numerous years had gone before Jing-mei understood her mom's endeavor to draw out her â€Å"prodigy† and discovered her actual self. She had just understood her â€Å"prodigy† during the piano presentation however she stayed rebellious. In any event, during her exercises, she realized she could be acceptable at it, even become incredible with it.But she didn't will it to occur. At her presentation, she was sure she could do it, but since she didn't pay attention to her exercises, it finished dishonorably for her and for her folks. At the point when she developed old, her folks gave her as a blessing the piano her mom purchased for her when she was youthful. She was from the start hesitant to acknowledge it. Her mom clarified: â€Å"this your piano†¦ Always your piano. You just one can play†¦ You have normal ability. You could be a virtuoso on the off chance that you need to. † Jing-mei f ound the blessing as a harmony offering.It allowed her to attempt again without feeling that she was doing it to serve another person. Playing it once more, she thought that it was simple enough to demonstrate her mom had been correct. Toward the finish of the story where Jing-mei played the piano after certain years without doing as such, she played the â€Å"Pleading Child,† a similar piece she played fruitlessly during the presentation. She additionally saw just because the piece on the contrary side entitled â€Å"Perfectly Contented. † Jing-mei comprehended that she was playing two parts of a similar tune, and it mirrored her feelings.She was the arguing youngster and when she understood her mom's goals and trust to her, she turned out to be totally mollified. The story's ethical runs two different ways. First is with the guardians not to push their children or little girls excessively hard as to give them trouble. They are, all things considered, just youngsters who doesn't comprehend this present reality. Second is for the kids to be faithful to their folks, for guardians just need what is best for their kids. A jing-mei's mom communicated: â€Å"Only two sorts of daughters†¦ Those who are submissive and the individuals who follow their own mind.† It was heartbreaking that Jing-mei didn't understand that her interior clash didn't emerge from her mom's desires however from the affection and confidence her mom had for her until her mom had as of now passed on. The story likewise focuses that one's â€Å"prodigy† lies in the individual's will to succeed. Jing-mei's disappointment at the presentation was on the grounds that she came up short on the will to succeed, and simultaneously, her rebeliousness towards her mom. It could be said too that had her mom not pushed her excessively hard, Jing-mei could have improved and she would have sought after it at her own will.I couldn't perceive the message the first occasion when I read the story, most particularly the association of the piano pieces referenced toward the end: the â€Å"Pleading Child† and â€Å"Perfectly Contented. † But subsequent to perusing it again and exploring the setting of the story, I came to value it as offering exercises to guardians and youngsters. Simultaneously, the story additionally focuses to the significance of determination to the achievement of an individual. Insubordination blinds us that in any event, when we perceive our own strenghts and shortcomings, we once in a while decline to let it demonstrate just to demonstrate that others are wrong.We let ourselves know â€Å"I am who I am† without truly knowing who we truly are. In any case, the magnificence, all things considered, is that by the day's end, we will come to understand our own deficiencies when left to discover who we truly are without anyone else. Summarizing the exercise given by the story, it is ideal to be the two sorts: the benevolent that is respectful towards one's folks and the caring that follows one's own heart. It may not generally be the situation be that as it may, as a rule, when guardians discover their youngster's gifts, they can't resist the urge to authorize it, which, at long last, is best for the kid. Show what you got and your folks will definitely back you up. Works Cited Tan, Amy. â€Å"Two Kinds. †

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Woman in White

Ladies' Rights Collins hammers home the point that ladies in England, paying little heed to their social standing, their training, their ethical conduct or their accounts, have barely any lawful rights for security. Laura Fairlie is looted of her character and her legacy by an eager, corrupt spouse. Mrs. Catherick has her notoriety demolished by a misconception that disregards her separated and helpless before the man who caused the misconception. Anne Catherick is erroneously detained in a psychological foundation, similar to her relative Laura Fairlie.Both escape without the assistance of any man and seek total isolation. Royal lady Eleanor Fairlie Fosco is denied her legitimate legacy by her more established sibling Philip just on the grounds that he opposes her marriage. This drives her to wrongdoing to recover her legacy. Laura Fairlie is ambushed by her better half and finds no assistance from the law to ensure her, and even her gatekeeper, Frederick Fairlie,†¦ An Analysis of Female Identity in Wilkie Collins' The Woman in Whiteâ â This article takes a gander at the issue of female personality in Wilkie Collins' The Woman dressed in White.It dissects two key scenes from the novel to uncover how development and style unavoidably impact the portrayal of character, just as surveying the content comparable to class, especially the job of the Gothic in Collins' account. A common subject in The Woman dressed in White is control. Both Anne Catherick and Laura Fairlie are kept in a psychological shelter by Sir Percival Glyde. The tale viably revamps customary Gothic shows in its delineations of restriction and the female characters' jailer.The Woman dressed in White has a place with the class of ‘sensation' fiction, Collins' tale being viewed as imaginative as it is the first, and seemingly the best, of the English sensation books. Sensation fiction is commonly viewed as a mixture type in that it consolidates the components of sentiment recognizable to perusers of Gothic fiction and the local setting natural to perusers of pragmatist fiction. In The Woman dressed in White the fear of eighteenth-century Gothic fiction are moved from their outlandish medieval settings, for example, those utilized in the books of Ann Radcliffe, and migrated in contemporary nineteenth-century English society.Melodrama is a sort firmly identified with melodrama. A portion of the highlights of drama, for example, extraordinary conditions, circumstances, activities; dull plottings and tension, are plainly obvious in the storyline of The Woman dressed in White. The character of Laura Fairlie comes nearest to a run of the mill sensational courageous woman, particularly as far as physical appearance, being youthful, reasonable and delightful. She likewise typifies both virtue and feebleness. Anyway her job in the story is inquisitively inactive as she is denied a conventional account voice.Her lack of involvement is the partner of her relative Marian Ha lcombe's movement. Marian is a perplexing person whose portrayal falls outside traditional scholarly or social models, halfway manifested in the striking physical complexity between her face and body. Walter advises the peruser that her figure is â€Å"tall, yet not very tall; attractive and well-developed†¦ her abdomen, flawlessness according to a man† (p. 31). However her facial highlights are to some degree conflicting with her body: â€Å"the dull down on her upper lip was just about a mustache. She had a huge, firm, manly mouth and jaw† (p. 32).The proper nature of Walter's depiction utilizes sensational procedures yet the incomprehensible substance of this portrayal seems to challenge exaggerated shows. Sensation fiction's accentuation on plot implies that it frequently relies upon privileged insights, which appear to be ceaseless: as when one mystery is uncovered, another is uncovered. The nearness of insider facts definitely welcomes seeing, a move Marian decides to make in one of the novel's most emotional scenes, while, expecting that her relative's work might be at serious risk, she keeps an eye on the miscreants Sir Percival and Count Fosco in the dead of night.A denying air is quickly settled with a quality of hazard obviously evident in the up and coming precipitation, depicted as being â€Å"threatening†, while the descriptive words â€Å"black†, â€Å"pitch† and â€Å"blinding† are utilized to bring out the solidness of the night's inescapable â€Å"darkness†. Marian's choice to tune in at the window is by all accounts halfway controlled by Count Fosco's assessments of her â€Å"sharpness† and â€Å"courage†. Later on in his and Percival's discussion, Fosco affirms that Marian has â€Å"the foreknowledge and goals of a man† (p. 30). The shedding of her womanly clothing so as to encourage her situation on the rooftop goes some way or another to merge this way of life as a ‘masculinized lady', a sort genuinely normal in sensation fiction. Anyway Marian is to some degree at chances with the champions of most sentimentalist books in her essential good honor, manifested in this scene with her energy to discover one factor to legitimize her ensuing activities to herself: â€Å"I needed yet one thought process to endorse the demonstration to my own conscience† (p. 24), discovering it as her stepsister: â€Å"Laura's respect, Laura's joy †Laura's life itself †might rely upon my snappy ears and my loyal memory tonight† (p. 324). The real entries itemizing her keeping an eye on Percival and Fosco are particularly tense, mostly through Marian's circumstance †her situation on the rooftop is unstably near the Countess' room and it is evident, from the light behind the window, that the lady isn't yet in bed.The section that uncovers this reality to the peruser is made out of sentences including various short provisions, some of just two words long, just as a plentiful utilization of runs †expressive impacts that prevail with regards to bringing the peruser nearer and nearer to the â€Å"strangeness and peril† (p. 328) of Marian's circumstance, and the â€Å"dread†, which she â€Å"could not shoulder† (p. 328). Likewise Collins' utilization of direct discourse in delineating the scalawags' discussion solidifies this impact, and included with the angrily Gothic atmosphere, prevails with regards to bringing the peruser into awkwardly nearness to Marian's present situation.The style of account a creator receives unavoidably impacts the idea of their characters. In The Woman in White we see the characters of female heroes molded by both formal and relevant choices. This article has gone some route into uncovering how personalities are built through a blend of account techniques and kind shows, just as the real substance of Collins' tale, for example, different characters and settings. The Woman dressed in White was a staggeringly famous novel.Collins' awesome making of anticipation made for a massively fruitful work among the Victorian people. SENSATION FICTION: Contemporary Reviews and Responses The accompanying surveys of Victorian sensation fiction are organized by subject and creator. The audits included here are just a little examining of Victorian response to and eagerness for sensation fiction. In future, this assortment will be progressively exhaustive and will highlight full audits as opposed to chosen sections.Sensation Fiction in General At no age, so far as we know, has there yet existed anything looking like the exceptional surge of books which is presently pouring over this land †unquestionably with preparing results, most definitely. There were days, halcyon days †as one despite everything may determine from the tattle of the seniors of society †when a writer was a characteristic interest, perceived and gazed at as turned into the u ncommonness of the phenomenon.No such thing is conceivable these days, when the vast majority have been in print one way or other †when stains of ink wait on the prettiest of fingers, and to compose books is the typical state of an enormous area of society. Margaret Oliphant on Count Fosco from The Woman dressed in White: The savage energizer of sequential distribution †of week by week distribution, with its need for incessant and fast repeat of interesting circumstance and frightening occurrence †is the thing of all others destined to build up the germ, and carry it to more full and darker bearing. What Mr.Wilkie Collins has finished with sensitive consideration and difficult hesitance, his devotees will endeavor with no such attentiveness. No heavenly impact can be envisioned as directing the introduction of [the sensation writer’s] work, past the market-law of interest and flexibly; no more everlasting status is longed for it than for the designs of the mome ntum season. A business environment coasts around works of this class, aromatic of the manfactory and the shop. The open needs books, and books must be made †such a significant number of yards of printed stuff, sensation-design, to be prepared by the start of the season.H. L. Mansel, Quarterly Review, 113 (April 1863): 495 †6. Sensation Fiction and the Woman Reader [Today’s champions in English books include] Women driven wild with affection for the man who drives them on to distress before he concurs that expression of consolation that conveys them into the indescribable paradise; ladies who wed their men of the hour in attacks of erotic enthusiasm; ladies who implore their darlings to cart them away from the spouses and homes they loathe; ladies †¦ who give and get consuming kisses and unhinged grasps, and live in an amble dream. †¦ the dreaming lady †¦ aits now for fragile living creature and muscles, for solid arms that hold onto her, and warm bre ath that excites her through, and a large group of other physical attractions which she shows to the world with an enchanting honesty. On the opposite side of the image, it is, obviously, the golden hair and undulating structure, the warm fragile living creature and sparkling shading, for which the adolescent moans. †¦ this energy for physical sensation is spoken to as the n

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Savannah Introduction Savannah, city (1990 pop. 137,560), seat of Chatham co., SE Ga., a port of entry on the Savannah River near its mouth; inc. 1789. A rail, fishing, and industrial center, it is a leading southern port for the import and export of a wide variety of manufactured goods; the port's container terminal is in neighboring Garden City. Shipping is a major industry, but tourism is becoming increasingly important. Savannah is the seat of Savannah State Univ. and Armstrong Atlantic State Univ. (both part of the University System of Georgia) as well as the Savannah College of Art and Design. The Telfair Museum of Art is also there. Army and coast guard units occupy the Hunter Army Airfield. The well-planned city has wide, shaded streets and many parks; magnolias, pines, and ancient oaks are indigenous there. Several beach and island resorts as well as a wildlife refuge are nearby. Sections in this article: Introduction Points of Interest History The Columbia Electronic Ency clopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. Political Geography

Monday, May 11, 2020

Why I Am A Friend - 1289 Words

Usually when you meet a friend when you are little there is an unlikely chance you will be friends forever. Well not with me, I was 5 years old when I first met this boy named Nick. We met in our Kindergarten class and have been best friends ever since. He lived right down the street from me and walked to my house every day for the bus stop. We were together so much; people thought we were actually related. Throughout elementary school, middle school, and part of high school we were always together. As we grew up nothing really changed except for junior year of high school. Junior year I switched schools and I wasn’t able to see him all the time. Being that I did go to a different school, I was out of the loop of anything that happened.†¦show more content†¦I froze and feel to the ground. I didn t want to believe it. I was completely numb and I felt like I just was stabbed 20 times in the heart. He’s the type of person who was always happy and loving. I ve woul d ve never thought he would try and take his own life. I couldn’t even think one more second I got in the car and told my mom that I needed to see him now. The ride to the hospital I kept telling my mom that â€Å"I can’t live without Nick and that this was my fault†. I put all the blame on myself. I hated myself because I felt like I should ve known. I should ve said something. I wish I could’ve helped him in some way. My parents felt horrible because they didn’t listen to me that night when I came to them worried about Nick. When we arrived to the hospital I had major panic attacks in the elevator. I had hives all over my body and I was a mess. The hospital staff directed us to the ICU, where he was staying. Seeing his family in the waiting room was emotional painful to see how badly they were suffering. I wasn t able to see him because he had coded earlier for 10 minutes and they had him in a medically Induced coma. Even if I was allowed I don t think I would ve been able to see him hooked up to all the tubes and equipment not knowing if he would even survive. When his parents walked back to his room, I told them to tell Nick that I was here waiting for him. I sat in the waiting

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Deception Point Page 42 Free Essays

Gabrielle saw the door and headed for it. â€Å"On my desk by eight o’clock tonight, Gabrielle. Be smart. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point Page 42 or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Tench tossed her the folder of photographs on her way out. â€Å"Keep them, sweetie. We’ve got plenty more.† 48 Rachel Sexton felt a growing chill inside as she moved down the ice sheet into a deepening night. Disquieting images swirled in her mind-the meteorite, the phosphorescent plankton, the implications if Norah Mangor had made a mistake with the ice cores. A solid matrix of freshwater ice, Norah had argued, reminding them all that she had drilled cores all around the area as well as directly over the meteorite. If the glacier contained saltwater interstices filled with plankton, she would have seen them. Wouldn’t she? Nonetheless, Rachel’s intuition kept returning to the simplest solution. There are plankton frozen in this glacier. Ten minutes and four flares later, Rachel and the others were approximately 250 yards from the habisphere. Without warning, Norah stopped short. â€Å"This is the spot,† she said, sounding like a water-witch diviner who had mystically sensed the perfect spot to drill a well. Rachel turned and glanced up the slope behind them. The habisphere had long since disappeared into the dim, moonlit night, but the line of flares was clearly visible, the farthest one twinkling reassuringly like a faint star. The flares were in a perfectly straight line, like a carefully calculated runway. Rachel was impressed with Norah’s skills. â€Å"Another reason we let the sled go first,† Norah called out when she saw Rachel admiring the line of flares. â€Å"The runners are straight. If we let gravity lead the sled and we don’t interfere, we’re guaranteed to travel in a straight line.† â€Å"Neat trick,† Tolland yelled. â€Å"Wish there were something like that for the open sea.† This IS the open sea, Rachel thought, picturing the ocean beneath them. For a split second, the most distant flame caught her attention. It had disappeared, as if the light had been blotted out by a passing form. A moment later, though, the light reappeared. Rachel felt a sudden uneasiness. â€Å"Norah,† she yelled over the wind, â€Å"did you say there were polar bears up here?† The glaciologist was preparing a final flare and either did not hear or was ignoring her. â€Å"Polar bears,† Tolland yelled, â€Å"eat seals. They only attack humans when we invade their space.† â€Å"But this is polar bear country, right?† Rachel could never remember which pole had bears and which had penguins. â€Å"Yeah,† Tolland shouted back. â€Å"Polar bears actually give the Arctic its name. Arktos is Greek for bear.† Terrific. Rachel gazed nervously into the dark. â€Å"Antarctica has no polar bears,† Tolland said. â€Å"So they call it Anti-arktos.† â€Å"Thanks, Mike,† Rachel yelled. â€Å"Enough talk of polar bears.† He laughed. â€Å"Right. Sorry.† Norah pressed a final flare into the snow. As before, the four of them were engulfed in a reddish glow, looking bloated in their black weather suits. Beyond the circle of light emanating from the flare, the rest of the world became totally invisible, a circular shroud of blackness engulfing them. As Rachel and the others looked on, Norah planted her feet and used careful overhand motions to reel the sled several yards back up the slope to where they were standing. Then, keeping the rope taut, she crouched and manually activated the sled’s talon brakes-four angled spikes that dug into the ice to keep the sled stationary. That done, she stood up and brushed herself off, the rope around her waist falling slack. â€Å"All right,† Norah shouted. â€Å"Time to go to work.† The glaciologist circled to the downwind end of the sled and began unfastening the butterfly eyelets holding the protective canvas over the gear. Rachel, feeling like she had been a little hard on Norah, moved to help by unfastening the rear of the flap. â€Å"Jesus, NO!† Norah yelled, her head snapping up. â€Å"Don’t ever do that!† Rachel recoiled, confused. â€Å"Never unfasten the upwind side!† Norah said. â€Å"You’ll create a wind sock! This sled would have taken off like an umbrella in a wind tunnel!† Rachel backed off. â€Å"I’m sorry. I†¦ â€Å" She glared. â€Å"You and space boy shouldn’t be out here.† None of us should, Rachel thought. Amateurs, Norah seethed, cursing the administrator’s insistence on sending Corky and Sexton along. These clowns are going to get someone killed out here. The last thing Norah wanted right now was to play baby-sitter. â€Å"Mike,† she said, â€Å"I need help lifting the GPR off the sled.† Tolland helped her unpack the Ground Penetrating Radar and position it on the ice. The instrument looked like three miniature snowplow blades that had been affixed in parallel to an aluminum frame. The entire device was no more than a yard long and was connected by cables to a current attenuator and a marine battery on the sled. â€Å"That’s radar?† Corky asked, yelling over the wind. Norah nodded in silence. Ground Penetrating Radar was far more equipped to see brine ice than PODS was. The GPR transmitter sent pulses of electromagnetic energy through the ice, and the pulses bounced differently off substances of differing crystal structure. Pure freshwater froze in a flat, shingled lattice. However, seawater froze in more of a meshed or forked lattice on account of its sodium content, causing the GPR pulses to bounce back erratically, greatly diminishing the number of reflections. Norah powered up the machine. â€Å"I’ll be taking a kind of echo-location cross-sectional image of the ice sheet around the extraction pit,† she yelled. â€Å"The machine’s internal software will render a cross section of the glacier and then print it out. Any sea ice will register as a shadow.† â€Å"Printout?† Tolland looked surprised. â€Å"You can print out here?† Norah pointed to a cable from the GPR leading to a device still protected under the canopy. â€Å"No choice but to print. Computer screens use too much valuable battery power, so field glaciologists print data to heat-transfer printers. Colors aren’t brilliant, but laser toner clumps below neg twenty. Learned that the hard way in Alaska.† Norah asked everyone to stand on the downhill side of the GPR as she prepared to align the transmitter such that it would scan the area of the meteorite hole, almost three football fields away. But as Norah looked back through the night in the general direction from which they had come, she couldn’t see a damn thing. â€Å"Mike, I need to align the GPR transmitter with the meteorite site, but this flare has me blinded. I’m going back up the slope just enough to get out of the light. I’ll hold my arms in line with the flares, and you adjust the alignment on the GPR.† Tolland nodded, kneeling down beside the radar device. Norah stamped her crampons into the ice and leaned forward against the wind as she moved up the incline toward the habisphere. The katabatic today was much stronger than she’d imagined, and she sensed a storm coming in. It didn’t matter. They would be done here in a matter of minutes. They’ll see I’m right. Norah clomped twenty yards back toward the habisphere. She reached the edge of the darkness just as the belay rope went taut. Norah looked back up the glacier. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, the line of flares slowly came into view several degrees to her left. She shifted her position until she was perfectly lined up with them. Then she held her arms out like a compass, turning her body, indicating the exact vector. â€Å"I’m in line with them now!† she yelled. Tolland adjusted the GPR device and waved. â€Å"All set!† How to cite Deception Point Page 42, Essay examples

Thursday, April 30, 2020

In The Article “Half A defense Of Positive Accounting Research”

Question: Discuss In The Article Half A Defence Of Positive Accounting Research ? Answer: Introduction The main aim of the present assignment is in providing a detailed analysis on the chosen article that is Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research (Dunmore, 2011). With the help of this assignment, the researcher Paul V Dunmore has given particular emphasis on the process of positive accounting in order to form a casual description of the human behavior in the process of positive accounting. In addition, the current research program is a useful tool to address different kinds of deficiencies in the process of positive accounting (Apostolou et al., 2013). The current research program has been successful to bring the most inherent complexities in the process of positive accounting. In this article, Paul V Dunmore has been highly involved in the process of detecting the positive and negative aspects of the process of positive accounting. Two of the major factors that Paul V Dunmore has emphasized on in the article are epistemology and ontology. The selected article of Paul V Dunmor e has been successful to conduct a critique review on the process of positive accounting and has helped to spot the different kinds of loopholes in positive accounting. All these steps of Paul V Dunmore have been successful to derive an appropriate conclusion of the research program. Apart from all these, the research program has been an importunate tool to identify the required hypothesis for the research. Lastly, the theoretical framework of the research has provided a positive insight on the article (Apostolou et al., 2015). Summary of the Article In the article named Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research, the main subject of investigation of Paul V Dunmore is the positive approach in the process of accounting with the help of different kinds of research programs. As opined by Jones, (2015), the process of positive accounting has many links with different kinds of wider intellectual projects about scientific researches as the major aim is to analyze the cause and effects of positive accounting. With the selection of the given research article, Paul V Dunmore has taken an attempt to address the deficiencies in the process of positive accounting research. The selected article has a positive relationship with different kinds of auditing literatures. The research shows that despite of the presence of various loopholes in the process of positive accounting, it is still widely used to achieve many scientific goals in the accounting profession (Dyckman Zeff, 2014). As per the description of Kuhn, there is positive relation between normal science and positive accounting as normal science well suits with the process of positive accounting. According to Paul V Dunmore, in order to measure the accuracy of any provided accounting theory, the process of accounting induction is not necessary. In other words, the selected article of the research has been helpful to review the falsification in the process of positive accounting. In this article, Paul V Dunmore has used four classes of description; they are relative theory inefficiency, internal effect, external effect and the measurement of errors. One of the major aims of this article is to discuss the limitation of the testing of research hypothesis along with to provide appropriate logic of the hypothesis. In the process of the research, the author, Paul V Dunmore realizes that there is a strong need for the development of effective procedure for measurement in the process of positive accounting (Mil ler Power, 2013). Research Hypothesis In order to examine the validity of the research process of positive accounting, there has to be the presence of research hypothesis. The research hypothesis for this article is shown below: H0: One can see the existence of an universe beyond the imagination of everyone. H1: There is a particular reason behind the occurrence of every incident and they all are the part of the universe. H2: With the assistance of vigilant observation, an individual can get the necessary information about every global event. H3: The major intention of the intellectual property is to utilize various kinds of observation in order to gain the global understanding. With the help of different instances in the process of positive accounting, one can test the first hypothesis. It is necessary to discuss the scientific epistemology and ontology with relation to the positive accounting in order to test the second hypothesis. For this purpose, it is necessary to advocate different kinds of random events from the outside of the universe. In order to test the third hypothesis, Paul V Dunmore has taken the way to discuss the process of falsification in the process of testing the hypothesis. Apart from all these, for the purpose of the research process, it is needed scrutiny different kinds of fact in order to develop the preliminary ideas. Hence, it is essential for the anticipants to consider all the new and old theories regarding positive accounting. Theoretical Framework For meeting the objectives of this research, Paul V Dunmore has used different kinds of theoretical frameworks. The theoretical frameworks of this article are discussed below: Instances of Positive Research in Accounting According to Paul V Dunmore, the balanced self-interest operations use to take place between the parties based on the outcome of the accounting phenomena; the accounting phenomena is implied with the help of contracting of various types of business organizations. Apart from this, these accounting phenomena use to cover different kinds of accounting choices as these accounting choices help the organizational managers in the preparation of financial report and the in the process of financial decision-making (Edwards, 2014). As per this article, the individual auditors are considered as financial decision-maker based on their examined audit report. In this regard, one of the most important factors is that in order to take the investment decisions, the investors need to select the type of investment information that is going to help them in future. It can be seen that the nature of human behavior in the process of positive accounting is not included in this article (Harris Durden, 2012) . On the other hand, as per the viewpoint of most of the auditors, the process of accounting standard setting can be happened in the absence of the effects of human behavior in the positive accounting. Various instances where one can find that the process of positive accounting research is larger and wider than the theory of positive accounting (Lee, 2013). It is the natural intention of any research to gain appropriate insight on the accounting phenomena of positive accounting research process. It can be done with the help of various kinds of scientific accounting research processes. From the above analysis, it can be said that better and effective accounting tools are needed I order to increase the quality of the process of financial decision-making (Barge-Gil Lpez, 2014). Epistemology and Ontology As per the statement of Paul V Dunmore, epistemology is considered as a major scientific field; in this scientific field, most of the individuals aim to explain various kinds of approaches in order to gain knowledge and ideas about the whole world (Richardson, 2012). On the other hand, ontology is the process to provide explanation of various kinds of activities and to provide answers of different kinds of questions (Hoque, Covaleski N. Gooneratne, 2013). The process of the development of nature of the human agencies is to take different kinds of roles that are closely associated with earth. In this regard, it needs to be noted that an individual cannot observe earth as devoid of different experiences. In the aspect of both epistemology and ontology, complexities can take place as the main objective is to gain proper knowledge about all the information about the accounting phenomena. Various kinds of problems are associated with positive research; the reason is that positive research aims to explore and experience the underlying meanings and reasons. Various research streams can be seen with diverse range of objectives existing in the mentioned period. Other issues are there relating to the agencies. This process has its own reasons. Two of the major reasons are that human beings use to pose their own will and their various kinds of actions are responsible for the causes. The scientific theory does not have any explanation about these agency problems (Bhaskar, 2013). For the purpose of this research process, it is essential to describe trends in the behaviors of the accountants and the auditors as it has been seen that they use to behave in a particular given manner. This aspects results in the generation of various behavior causes; these causes cannot be identified in the objective world. Need for an Effective Positive Research Program As per the above analysis, it can be seen that some major problems are associated with positive accounting research. It can be felt that there is a need for the development of effective research programs to address the earlier discussed research problems (Jacobs, 2012). From the provided article, it can be understood that stringent testing procedures are needed in order to test the vulnerable testing models in positive accounting so that the measurements variables can be taken into consideration. In addition, there is a strong need for effective analytical models that are needed for the purpose of testing and formation of various analytical models. In order to implement analytical models in the process of positive accounting, the field preoccupation is needed to consider necessarily where tractability turns to plausibility. Paul V Dunmore has suggested that there is a strong need for measurement procedures apart from the procedures of testing. At the time of the research, a sense of biasness has been noted in the process of publication and against the accounting dimensions. This particular biasness is one of the reasons that contribute to the shortage of resources in the process of positive accounting (Posavac, 2015). Significance and Limitations of the Article At the time of the evaluation of this article, a broad gap has been found among the latest practices of the process of positive accounting. In addition, the evaluation of the article has been successful to make one feel the need for a relevant and significant contribution in the field of accounting intellectual programs. It can be seen that there is an absence of optimization of system that is important for the rectification of mistakes. Another major aim of this article is to provide deep insight in the process of scientific research. The research has helped to identify the need for better accounting theoretical model. The provided article has several limitations. Among them, one of the major limitations is that this article did not include the awareness of human behavior in the process of positive accounting. The lack of collection of real life data from trusted sources is the reason of this. On the other hand, the article has a lack of data and information from primary as well as secondary sources. For this reason, Paul V Dunmore had to depend on the opinions of the others authors. For this reason, the qualitative aspect of the research is not properly addressed. This is considered as one of the major concepts as it helps to determine the future growth of the organizations. Conclusion From the above analysis, it can be concluded that the main aim of this article is to evaluate the concepts of epistemology and ontology in the aspect of positive accounting. It can be seen that there are certain loopholes in the process of positive accounting. However, with the help of proper strategies, these loopholes can be eradicated. As per the recommendation of the Paul V Dunmore, some of the theoretical models used in the article need formulation and for this purpose, better accounting tool is required. As per the suggestion, various kinds of measurement tools are required to be implemented after proper explanation. It needs to be noted the behavior of human being is one of the major aspects of the process of positive accounting. For this purpose, it is needed to take into consideration the qualitative aspects of positive accounting in order to predict the future growth of the business organizations. Apart from this, a minimum amount of modification is needed in the process of positive accounting. References Apostolou, B., Dorminey, J. W., Hassell, J. M., Rebele, J. E. (2015). Accounting education literature review (20132014).Journal of Accounting Education,33(2), 69-127. Apostolou, B., Dorminey, J. W., Hassell, J. M., Watson, S. F. (2013). Accounting education literature review (20102012).Journal of Accounting Education,31(2), 107-161. Barge-Gil, A., Lpez, A. (2014). RD Determinants: accounting for the differences between research and development.research Policy,43(9), 1634-1648. Bhaskar, R. (2013).A realist theory of science. Routledge. Dyckman, T. R., Zeff, S. A. (2014). Some methodological deficiencies in empirical research articles in accounting.Accounting Horizons,28(3), 695-712. Edwards, J. R. (2014).Twentieth Century Accounting Thinkers (RLE Accounting). Routledge. Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research. (2017).sydney.edu.au. Retrieved 26 April 2017, from https://sydney.edu.au/business/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/59988/Paul_Dunmore_MEAFA_2010.pdf Harris, J., Durden, C. (2012). Management accounting research: An analysis of recent themes and directions for the future.Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research,10(2), 21. Hoque, Z., A. Covaleski, M., N. Gooneratne, T. (2013). Theoretical triangulation and pluralism in research methods in organizational and accounting research.Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal,26(7), 1170-1198. Jacobs, K. (2012). Making sense of social practice: theoretical pluralism in public sector accounting research.Financial Accountability Management,28(1), 1-25. Lee, T. A. (2013). Reflections on the origins of modern accounting.Accounting History,18(2), 141-161. Miller, P., Power, M. (2013). Accounting, organizing, and economizing: Connecting accounting research and organization theory.Academy of Management Annals,7(1), 557-605. Posavac, E. (2015).Program evaluation: Methods and case studies. Routledge. Richardson, A. J. (2012). Paradigms, theory and management accounting practice: A comment on Parker (forthcoming)Qualitative management accounting research: Assessing deliverables and relevance.Critical Perspectives on Accounting,23(1), 83-88.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

PC Unit Shipments Analytical Report

PC Unit Shipments Analytical Report Purpose This analytical report provides quarterly PCs shipment from the second quarter 2011 to the same quarter 2012. It would allow PC vendors to evaluate and measure their sales performances against their major rivals worldwide. As a result, they would be able to adopt new sales strategies.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on PC Unit Shipments Analytical Report specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The report provides data on previous shipments of PCs. Therefore, PC manufacturers can use it to predict future PC shipments globally. Summary During the financial period of 2012 in the second quarter, PC shipments declined as compared to the same period the previous year. The general decline was 0.1 percent based on data from the International Data Corporation (IDC). The graph indicates that HP might lose its position to Lenovo. Overall, the market is cautious as innovative products emerge. Thus, new strategies are necessary fo r PC vendors. Outlook Overall, the worldwide PC market experienced a decline in shipments. The IDC noted that the actual results did not match earlier projections of 2.1 percent growth every year. There were limited demands from major PC distribution channels within the first quarter of the year 2012. Most distribution channels did not want to increase their inventories before some PC firms could launch their new products. Consumer apathy had contributed to low purchasing of PCs. They noted that it was not strategic to purchase PCs in a rapidly evolving technology environment. Consumers expected new products in the market. For instance, many waited for the launch of Windows 8. In addition, others did not spend on PCs because of high prices. Demands for PCs have been low in the US and Europe.   However, the wave of low demands increased in other regions like Asia. This marked a dismal performance for the year.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Figure 1: PCs Unit Ship 2011-2012 From the results, IDC could validate its projections for the second quarter of 2012. IDC had noted that the second quarter was a transition period in which consumers’ anticipation for new products and pricing factors played major roles to slow down PC shipment globally (IDC, 2012). The introduction of new products and operating systems were critical in addressing the slow growth of PC shipments. These would assist distribution channels and consumers to know what to purchase. The Graph HP HP was the top PC vendor worldwide, but it experienced a decline in most regions. Slow market conditions had created unfavorable conditions for HP. In addition, distributors aimed to adapt to market changes. Lenovo The vendor held the second position. However, Lenovo reduced the difference between itself and HP. Analysts believe that the growth of Lenovo would also decline in th e coming quarters. Dell The manufacturer experienced significant declines over the period. Dell’s market shares declined while its target market segments did not perform well.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on PC Unit Shipments Analytical Report specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Acer Acer recorded a steady shipment within the quarters. It was able to be ahead of other competitors. Although its European market had recovered, Acer faced declines in demands from other regions. ASUS ASUS has grown steadily over the quarters in most regions. Most of its shipments originated from Asian and EMEA regions. The vendor’s steady growth has spread to other regions too. Regional Outlook The US The US market performed poorly than previously anticipated. It recorded a decline of 10.6 percent. Most vendors and suppliers faced declining demands for PCs. There was no incentive for buyers while others decided to wait for ne w products. Lenovo increased its market share against its major competitor in the US market. It recorded a growth of 6.1 percent in PC shipments. Middle tier distributors are sensitive to market fluctuations because they lack extensive resources to strengthen their positions. EMEA- Europe, the Middle East and Africa EMEA region recorded a positive growth as earlier projected. Economic recovery in Western Europe was responsible for the growth. Central and Eastern Europe led the region as consumers’ demands for PCs increased. However, the growth remained positive but modest. Japan The country experienced a positive growth in the second quarter of 2012 despite poor performance in the first quarter. Most demands emanated from commercial sectors. The effect of the quake could have initiated demands for new PCs to replace the damaged ones. Asia and Pacific region The region experienced a slight decline in demands for PCs. Shipments had declined in India and China. Moreover, other m arkets also recorded slow growths. However, Lenovo performed well in this region.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Audience This analytical report targets product developers and sales departments in various PC firms. Recommendation The report reveals that PC manufacturers face a tough market ahead. Technological, economic, and consumer factors have contributed to declines in demands for PCs. Thus, PC vendors must take the following initiatives: Sales departments must adopt new sales strategies PC manufacturers must create incentive for buyers PC vendors should introduce new competitive products in the market Vendors must look for emerging markets and many distributors in different regions PC manufacturers must be innovative to match changes in technologies Report Conclusion Overall, PC shipment has declined globally. Projections indicate that shipments would decline as economic, technological, and consumer factors change. Consumers have slowed down purchases while distributors want to clear inventories in preparation for new technologies and economic conditions. PC vendors need new strategies in such dynamic markets. Reference IDC. (2012). Global PC Shipments Stalled in the Second Quarter While Buyers Remain Cautious And Market Waits For New Products. Web.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How To Get Started Designing Games for Mobile

How To Get Started Designing Games for Mobile Its a Whole New Mindset Mobile gaming is a booming market right now, and it seems everyone wants to dive in and grab a chunk of the market. However, getting started in mobile gaming isnt just about porting your Windows or Xbox title over to iOS. Design for Your Current Platform, Not Your Previous One This seems like common sense, but a lot of games out there will attempt to shoehorn the design of a console onto a multi-touch gaming device. While, yes, this can work, frequently the player is reminded that theyd rather be playing the game on a console gamepad than on an iPhone. When it comes to artwork, remember that tiny fonts may be readable on a Retina display (and allow you to fit a lot of text on the screen), but they are not very enjoyable to read. The same goes for highly detailed textures. You dont need a massive, high-resolution texture for all your assets. The detail can actually make the game more visually noisy, detracting from the artistic feel and causing eyestrain. While sound can make or break a game on a desktop computer or console, on mobile, its an entirely more complex matter. Most gamers would love to have sound in every game they play, either for the aesthetic or gameplay value. However, there is a matter of practicality to mobile gaming, in that many people cannot play the game with sound due to being in public spaces. By all means, include sound if youre able; many mobile users have headphones, or arent limited by environment. Optimized code. Yes. The power of current desktop computers allows a lot of un-optimized code to slip by, hogging extra system resources without anyone taking notice. Mobile is far more unforgiving than even a game console. Mobile OSes have a variety of techniques for handling background processes, battery management, resource allocation, etc. If your game bludgeons the systems battery to death in an hour, your game is going to get bad reviews, and you wont make any money. Slow performance is one of the first reasons people will choose to shelf a game forever. Optimizing Tips Weve covered what not to do. Now, lets look at a few places to improve. Interface Are you using a single multi-touch screen? If so, is it a tablet or a phone-sized screen? Are you using something more exotic like the PS Vitas front and back touchscreens and physical controls? How about camera-based augmented reality? Touch is very intuitive. Do not fight that. As I mentioned above, many games simply superimpose gamepad controls on a touch screen. This works in some cases, but frequently is problematic. One of the most important things you can do in this area is play other games and see what works and what doesnt. Specifically, what works without you having to think about it. The more instant immersion for the player, the more chance you have of them staying with the game, and either recommending it to others, or purchasing in-game items through microtransactions. If you cant find an existing scheme that works for your game, think about how you would manipulate your avatar in the real world, and find some way to translate that to the screen. Art As stated above, massive textures on mobile arent a great idea from the design point of view. They are also horrible about growing the size of your game in the devices storage or sucking up available RAM. You need to do everything you can to shrink your textures to the smallest size that will look good on the device. (Always keep high-res originals though, for when next-generation devices are released with higher-resolution screens.) Learn how to create a texture atlas, or find a good tool for the engine youre using/creating to build them automatically. Sound Audio is brutal, and pains many a good sound designer at the requirements placed on them. High-quality audio can cause an apps size to balloon incredibly. Be sure to listen to your final audio on every compatible device. Mobile phone speakers demolish audio, so dont just judge on how it sounds through headphones. Code Use an engine or framework that lets you go as close to bare metal as your programming skills allow. High-level managed code is frequently all you can do, but depending on the engine/framework you use, it may go through several layers of interpretation which can really slow down well-written high-level code. Final Words First impressions on an app store are critical! While you may have the urge to just get it out there and be done, then update it later, dont. With the way app stores work, you may only get one shot at that front page where people pick you up out of the crowd. Marketing and PR only go so far; if the first hundred people who checked out your game give it a 1-3 star review, odds are you wont get another chance. Take your time, do it right, and ship it when its done.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Critical Thinking on Controversial Topic Research Paper

Critical Thinking on Controversial Topic - Research Paper Example 16). The situations given above show that communication is not easy. It can be found anywhere especially leaders deal with such situations that will test their experience and temperament in solving the issue. Clear communication is the key through discipline and proper advancing of agendas, promoting learning and strengthening relationships (Jarkins, 1999, p. 73). In real world situation, conflict is approached head on to solve it. If the conflict is not solved, it may just prolong the agony and the problem would still be there. Some people may give certain advice on how to make difficult conversations easier. Ten ways can be done: opening the lines of communication, acknowledging the other person’s willingness to talk, setting a time limit, paraphrasing each other’s comments, working out a compromise, making a list of questions to be answered, accepting being wrong, respecting expert opinion, understanding the emotional factors, and reviewing the things learned (Goldsm ith, 2011). The paper will not go into the details of the ten ways in dealing with difficult conversations but will focus on critical thinking skills on controversial topics. Critical thinking helps people to become wise even though they may not be practicing philosophers. What matters most is the concept of giving up two senses: â€Å"sense of obviousness and sense of absurdity,† (Sen, 2010, p. 1). Critical thinking contributes to intelligence analysis and a formal meaning may develop the ground towards the understanding of its importance according to the definition of Richard Paul and Lina Elder: that mode of thinking – about any subject, content, or problem -- in which the [solitary] thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them (Moore, 2007, p. 8). The definition clearly shows what critical thinking is. Basically it is a way or process of thinking about certain matter wherein the person or thinker does his best effort to improve his ability in learning and understanding the reason. In simpler words, each person gives meaning to a certain thing through mental maps or representation of the reality. Such an activity aides the person in proceeding to â€Å"revising, expanding, improving [†¦] mental map† and the understanding of the reality. In critical thinking, memory plays a key role (Leicester, 2010, p. 2). Since critical thinking is already defined, the next term is controversial topics. Controversial topics are issues that people have very strong yet various feelings and opinions and are subject to heated debates. Various opinions may come from social, political or religious beliefs. Controversial topics make people either positive or negative depending upon the created strong arguments for and against the subjects. Controversial topics are used in research assignments especially on reviews and looking at the pro s and cons (Questia, n.d.). in other words, controversial are things that have more than two ways of viewing the right answer while topics which are usually controversial are issues that cause heated debate due to more than one â€Å"correct† answer (Versfeld, 2005, p. 7). In Harvard Law School being the center for training the would-be law professionals, difficult conversations happen and are allowed. In the past, the school management of

Monday, February 3, 2020

Discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding Solyndra, the Essay

Discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding Solyndra, the California based solar panel manufacturer - Essay Example Solyndra, a solar panel manufacturer, was formed in the Silicon Valley in 2005. The company focused on designing and manufacturing solar photovoltaic equipments mainly for commercial and public utility purposes. The client base constituted of commercial firms, government agencies, energy companies and other roofing firms. The company was established by Dr. Christian Gronet in 2005 as Gronet Technologies Inc (Hargreaves, 2012). At a later stage, the company was renamed as Solyndra that pioneered in the development of greener energy. The company aimed to create a breakthrough to reflect ways in which the government and business organizations would function in a cleaner energy environment (Brewer, Kinsey & Mendenhall, 2012). The saga of Solyndra venturing in the creation of greener technology is observed to encounter a severe downfall owing to the potential mismanagement of funds by the US government. Solyndra focused on gaining a competitive advantage such that it aimed to develop solar panels without the use of polysilicon, which was considerably expensive in the energy market. Though the production cost of solar panels created by Solyndra was high in nature, yet its installation was found to be considerably cheaper. During 2009, a huge loan amount of around $535 million was sanctioned by the US Government in order to enhance production and distribution operations of the company. The legal and ethical issues that rocked the company started with the declaration and receipt of this huge loan amount, which was observed to fail in achieving the required objective owing to fall in the value of polysilicon and also organizational inability to sustain the cheap installation costs (Wang, 2011). Similarly, wit h fall in the prices of natural gas and rising competition for the entry of Chinese firms, demand for the solar photovoltaic equipments produced by Solyndra faced a major setback. The

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Roles Of Ict In The Government Information Technology Essay

The Roles Of Ict In The Government Information Technology Essay ICT stands for information and communications technology, ICT mainly focuses on the role of communication that includes phone lines and wireless data/signals as well as the ability to control information including hardware for computers and networks and software. Throughout this essay, the way in which ICT has affected and continues to become of high importance to the United kingdoms Government will be explored, the main areas that will be conducted in this research are the Government ICT strategy, greening government ICT, how the internet is transforming the UK Economy, a selected number of Government departments and how ICT is important to their daily use and finally an end conclusion highlighting the importance of ICT development in the UK government. Government ICT strategy In October 2005, the first government ICT strategy was released setting the schedule for the ICT public sector (organisations funded by the government) towards the next five years. Its main aim was to focus on the areas that could enable transformed service delivery, putting the citizen at the heart of what we do, shared services and professionalising IT-enabled business change (Cabinet Office 2010 [URL] Date Accessed 02/11/10). Five years later, after reviewing yearly reports and employing a new Government chief information officer a new strategy was released. Its approach has been adapted to fit the current economic climate in which the nation is in transforming services against a backdrop of economic pressure change (Cabinet Office 2010 [URL] Date Accessed 02/11/10). The new strategy will now make possible an ICT infrastructure that will solve many problems across the board which the Government faces. It also encourages the development of delivery being increased via the public, private and third party sectors in order to meet the needs and requirements. In 1994 www.direct.gov.uk formally known as www.open.gov.uk was announced to hold all websites and links to government and agency websites, with all the increased pressure to deliver higher and better public services, expectations had never been higher due to the potential of better services that was unforeseen when the website was first published. However, with the increased prospect of technology, expectations have changed and so have demands which has enabled the government to make it easier to handle their day to day business and help those in need of support, talktofrank.com was set up to assist and explain the dangers of drugs and notschool.net was set up for those children excluded from school. On the other hand Denis McCauley, Global Technology Research Director at the Economist Intelligence Unit, believes the government can do more recognizing that although it does well in terms of its internet website, its popularity is decreasing rapidly and he thinks that even more can be done in terms of using information technology. Although the United Kingdoms Government is not solely to thanks for its success in its public sector ICT use, it reaches the top spot when compared to the rest of Europe, as its citizen-based services are 100% online compared with the average 71% that Europe has. Since the turn of the century the UK was the first Government to even start to allow its citizen-based service online taken approximately four years till Europes average came became public. Turning Government ICT green Since the governments increased use of ICT from owning some of the largest and most power fullest computers and public servants using their desktop computers at a higher rate than expected, be it from issuing tax disks to people across the country to saving x-rays on file. The Government is the countries largest purchaser of ICT equipment, and use a large amount of power and resources. They have decided to set an example amongst the nation and turn green, as they want the disposal of monitors, printers, computers and servers to happen in a sustainable and responsible way. To start the Governments reduction of carbon emissions another strategy has been created called the greening government strategy. According to the cabinet offices brochure on becoming green by turning just one computer off will save 235kg of carbon dioxide emissions a year. By turning off every one of Whitehalls 500,000 computers at night would have the same effect as taking 40,000 cars off the road. How the Internet has transformed the United kingdoms Economy Moving away from the strategies recently formed for ICT, this essay will now review how the Internet has affected and transformed the UK Economy. The Internet has largely influenced societies in the United Kingdom with a majority of them having easy access to it, many modern phones now come with the capability to do such thing. Websites such as ebay.co.uk and amazon.co.uk have increased the populations spending habits, which further down the line companies pay tax, which turns back into the government. In 2009 the Internet contributed to 7.2 per cent of GDP in Britain, an estimated  £100 billion making it larger than the countries transportation, construction or utilities industry. Whilst the large growth in Internet activity has increased it has disrupted many businesses but has had a positive effect on the medium and smaller based businesses that sell anything from clothes to computer games with research showing that the United Kingdoms economy is likely to increase by up to 15 p er cent via the Internet. Government organisations and their use of ICT Now this essay will look at a number of government organisations and the importance that ICT plays in them. -Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) To begin with The Department of Work and pensions (DWP) pays money into millions of peoples accounts across the nation, from people on benefits to elderly people receiving their pension, its use of ICT is on a large-scale basis and as a whole plays a major role in the social sector of todays lifestyle. ICT is a positive use in the DWP as it allows a quicker way of handling information and delivering an output service due to the large memory servers they have. However errors still occur in which the government loses millions at a time and because of this have called for an urgent change in the way their ICT strategy is changed -Ministry of Defence The Ministry of Defences (MoD) role is to protect the nation against any potential threat internally and externally, its team highlights dangers through many methods that involve ICT such as listening in on phone calls or checking the internet for major threats. Its ICT role again is very important to how its run due to keeping in contact with other global agencies to keep informed about terrorism strikes, it also informs local media in order to get information broadcasted across the UK. Another use of ICT within the MoD is to ensure military standards are kept high as well as the environment. Again by using the Website they allow people to view the procedures and information of the MoD, which encourages responsibility. -Driver and vehicle Licensing Agency DVLA The use of computers in the DVLA is very important, as they have to produce tax certificates as well as driving licenses and number plate registration forms in their large memory banks. Conclusion Concluding the report, ICT is probably one of the most important aspects of the governments way in terms of running its whole organisation, due to this it is hard to find any faults into the way they are actually sustaining their ICT, the only weak point is due to the fact that their website is not as popular as it was before however it still provides the information that you look for as well as email addresses and phone numbers if you need more help. With the Government also turning green they have taken another positive step in terms of being leaders and hopefully turning it in to a national thing; they have started to release television adverts and produce leaflets to spread the word. http://www.parliamentandinternet.org.uk/uploads/Final_report.pdf http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/media/66177/greening_government_ict.pdf http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/index.htm http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/media/317444/ict_strategy4.pdf http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/anger-as-uks-carbon-dioxide-emissions-reach-10year-high-442496.html http://www.publictechnology.net/sector/central-gov/martin-read-and-three-little-words-ict-pain http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/index.htm http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/anger-as-uks-carbon-dioxide-emissions-reach-10year-high-442496.html

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Japanese Management Essay

In the early 1980s, William Ouchi asserted in the U.S. soil the significance of Theory Z (1981), a Japanese management style that includes communal relationship in organizations and strong trust bonds as a more effective way to handle business as evidenced by the success of Japanese corporations.   This has made the interest and appreciation for the Japanese style of management and practices grow for the last twenty years, especially those successful Japanese companies who used unusual approaches (Lee and McCalman, 2008). For Japanese firms, the development of good relationship is a primordial interest. A Japanese firm may refuse to deal with another and ink a partnership regardless of the possible profits it may gain from the venture. The drive to develop a good relationship is primarily due to the very important principle called â€Å"tsuikiai† (socialization) (Lee and McCalman, 2008). Peer-to-peer relationship is more essential than relationship between levels as the Japanese believe that an organization draws strength from the former rather than from the latter. Hence, for American managers, it is only normal to assess their subordinates based on certain criteria. On the contrary, Japanese organizations tend to assess their employees based on their ability to work with their colleagues (Byham, 1993). Japanese managers get good evaluations if their subordinates can work well with each other. As such, Japanese firms give more emphasis on the ability of the employees to work with other employe es and not much on their performance. This is due to their belief that as long as a good relationship is established within the organization, the organization can handle other matters effectively (Lee and McCalman, 2008). For the Japanese, good relationships can be developed through the following: 1) After work dining & drinking session As previously mentioned, the principle of tsuikiai or socialization allow the Japanese to continue to incorporate good relationships as part of their corporate management style. Apparently, this can be seen in their popular practice of usually having dinner and drinking sessions amongst employees after office hours (Lee and McCalman, 2008). This is also the idea of the â€Å"communication plaza concept† wherein the executives meet their employees informally to have lunch or dinner and at the same time to listen to each other   (Otsubo, 1993). Through such engagements, employees have the chance to be more familiar with each other away from the four corners of their business premises. This positively affects the connections among the employees. This enables the Japanese organizations to create a warm and communal workplace where employees feel that they can communicate freely with everyone (Sullivan, 1992). Such practice is not the same with Americans where the latter would pr efer to   maintain the division between their personal and work life. According to Arenson (1993), the connection between U.S. workers and their companies are created by written contracts and the compensation that the companies renumerate to their employees. This complimented the observation rendered by   Rehder (1979) that Japanese managers treat their subordinates like their family members while western managers’ relationships with their subordinates are through contracts which makes the relationship depersonalized.   This is contrary to the belief of Japanese workers that they are obligated to the company they are working for because of the close relationship and bond that they have with their company and this creates mutual trust between the employees and the company. They likewise have a sense of shared focus to reach the goals of the organization. This management theory has been one of the core values of Honda from 1980s when they first established their operations in the United States and this was adopted by Nissan, Mazda and Toyota ( Sullivan, 1992). 2) Quite often meetings rather than electronic or paper work Americans would prefer to have everything first on paper before they can act on a project. Whereas Japanese prefer to do meetings rather than convey their messages through e-mails or doing paper works primarily as they despise memos and paper work (Arenson, 1993). According to Lee and McCalman (2008), it is through meetings that the workers would begin to know each other and determine the things that need to be done. This is most applicable in cases where there are no contracts or written documents involved and through meetings, the employees are able to worke on matters they need to attend to (Lee and McCalman, 2008). 3) Informal arranged agreements vs. legal agreements Before an American company would deal with another enterprise, it is not needed that the two companies develop a good relationship. It does not matter if a company would deal with a competitor provided that the two companies would gain mutual benefit. As a sense of security, American companies need to employ countless lawyers and execute numerous contracts before setting matters off. As a pre-requisite, everything needs to be laid out on paper before anything is started (Lee and McCalman, 2008). The mentality in America is that everything is governed by laws to make sure that people involved know what is set on the line (Arenson, 1993). It is ordinary for companies to deal with strangers and just develop a relationship during their venture (Lee and McCalman, 2008). This is not the case for Japanese companies as they require developing personal relationships before they transact with other business entities. This is because of their belief that it is important that a trusting relationship between two companies is developed before considering to have business venture   (Lee and McCalman, 2008). In Japan, there is less dependence on the laws and rather, more premium is placed in developing a trusting relationship before going into a business transaction. Unlike Americans that prefer to settle everything in a legal way or execute contracts first, Japanese are known to have healthy disdain for lawyers and legal or written actions. And unlike the Americans that would employ lawyers and execute contracts before the transaction, Japanese dislike being forced to deal just because of the contracts and in the process may just ignore some provisions thereto. They believe that the situations will have changed after signing the contract (Lee and McCalman, 2008). In fact, the two countries have a big difference in the number of lawyers as in the United States, there are over 800,000 lawyers as compared to Japan that has 15,000 lawyers only (Arenson, 1993). Moreover, Japanese would prefer to spend more time interacting with their potential customer or supplier before they would commit themselves   (Otsubo, 1993). 4) Networking- personal contacts Japan depends on networking as their society is very much a relationship-oriented one. Japanese would get things done though their personal contacts. For them, a man’s success or failure could be directly affected by their connections that he or she has developed over the years. In fact, a newly graduated Japanese would almost depend exclusively on his or her connections through university or from personal connections to land a job. That is why there is a high probability that the company recruiters would hire applicants coming from the same university as theirs because of the special connection that is existing between the recruiters and the university faculty and staff. This is what Japanese called â€Å"jinmyaku† or the web of human beings. Any internal or external undertaking to the company is accomplished through personal contacts (Lee and McCalman, 2008). It is then ordinary for an employee to develop extensive personal network within and outside the organization to protect his or her success rate especially that a person’s capability depends also on the extensiveness of the networks he or she may have   (Kase and Liu, 1996). Such mentality may affect the attitudes of the Japanese of not working with strangers. Through developing personal contacts takes time, once the networks have been created, everything is much easier as there is not much paperwork and lawyers involved. This principle makes it more difficult for foreign companies to penetrate Japan (Lee and McCalman, 2008). Japanese organizations would prefer hiring somebody who has a connection thereto because hiring a new employee is like welcoming a lifelong member of the corporate family. An individual applying for a position in a company by reason of an advertisement is considered a total stranger. As such, there is a possibility that Japanese companies may look after the personal attributes of an applicant rather than his or her technical attributes (Lee and McCalman, 2008).   It is very vital for an organization to ensure that the person to be hired is a team player and will blend well within the group. This is in contrast with U.S. companies as they prefer to look at the technical attributes of the applicants and highly rely on grade-point averages and specific credentials or competencies (Lee and McCalman, 2008). Networking works wonders in cases where a manager tries to launch a new project and the project is not really within the expertise of the concerned department, managers that have a w ell-established network within the organization could use their connections to persuade their colleagues to support their projects and also use these connections outside the organization to help make the project successful (Kase and Liu, 1996). Japanese manufacturing companies were able to capitalize in their personalized networking system that they were able to establish when they internationalized their operations during the late 1970s and 1980s. The personalized networks developed between their head offices and subsidiaries made the flow of the information run smoothly and eventually positively affect the efficiency of the companies (Kase and Liu, 1996). Moreover, Japanese companies establish personal networking with other Japanese companies in other countries (Yu and Ohle, 2008) for their advantage. 5) Teaming up in everything they do One of the major difference between Japanese management and Western management is that the structure of the organization is loose or poorly defined whereas the structure of the organization of the western management is tight or the specific functions are associated with specific boxes (Rehder, 1979). Teaming is a very important aspect in the management of a project. That is why the composition of teams that will handle organizational projects are carefully selected (Lee and McCalman, 2008). Even in creating an organizational project, the composition of the team that will develop and plan the concerned project is carefully assembled from the different departments of the organization (Gray and Larson, 2003). And up to the time that the organizational project is already running after the planning stage, there are still some times that the personnel from the planning stage will coordinate with the functional managers and project managers of the actual operation of the project (Gray and Larson, 2003). As Japanese companies or the Japanese culture itself has high regard on the â€Å"web of human beings†, it is part of the establishment of trust within the team to develop close personal relationship among the team members. The trust created by the â€Å"tsuikiai† plays an important role in the accomplishment of the interconnected tasks of the team members. A high level of trust is necessary for the accomplishment and implementation of the various tasks that the manager is leading (Kezner, 2000). Every meticulous aspect of the project requires the highest level of cooperation and team work among the players performing the tasks. That is why it is the responsibility of the project manager to build and maintain a high level of trust within the team to ensure the successful operation of a project throughout its course (Kezner, 2000). This is where the American employees of some Japanese companies are impressed with how every Japanese members of the team would persist to wo rk together to collect and discuss data gathered and develop ways to respond to different situations and improve their performance (Sullivan, 1992). Another thing that shows the Japanese persistence to teaming up is their decision-making system, or also known as â€Å"ringi† or decision by consensus system. This enables the employees to be motivated to work together.   The term ringi actually came from two words: ‘ri’, which means to ask from below and ‘gi’ which means to deliberate (Ichiro, 1977). By the Japanese decision-making systems, the organization initially debates on the meaning of a certain question and determines its possible solutions until consensus if finally reached. The process of the decision making and even the initiation of the process are participated in by all levels of the organization, whether the process be a verbal or written one (Naotsuka, 1978). This is because the Japanese have a view that it is important to first debate the problem or the question to achieve full comprehension in its general corporate-wide perspective, after which is to establish a consensus to preve nt groups from taking sides on one solution or another hastily. In such case, clash between the prevailing and losing groups is prevented because conflicts will only weaken the implementation of the favored solution. This normative process is called by the Japanese as â€Å"nemawashi† (Naotsuka, 1978).

Friday, January 10, 2020

Details of Essay Samples of David and Goliath

Details of Essay Samples of David and Goliath Courage is hardly something that you currently have that makes you brave when the challenging times start. Ivan Arreguin-Toft analysed every one of the wars over the previous 200 decades. You should make X amount of cars annually as a way to be an efficient producer. The easiest approach in order to have the ability to compose any dissertation month 7 Any allopathic archipelago about Sargent, a person's bevelling sforzando. The Basic Facts of Essay Samples of David and Goliath The two of these descriptions paint an image of an invincible man. Therefore it's a combination of the reduce style and a formal literary style. They represent lots of the manners and techniques utilised in the Renaissance. It's presented in two distinct versions, each containing a different portion of the identical story. The Ugly Secret of Essay Samples of David and Goliath The exact same qualities that seem to give them strength are frequently the so urces of excellent weakness. David, on the flip side, is portrayed as a little boy free of warrior abilities. He knew from previous experiences such as the lion and the bear that he had the capabilities to handle opponents that appear to be more powerful than himself. For example, he was supposed to be completely nude, but in this version, he is wearing boots and a helmet. David was thought of as an obedient and brave boy. He said that he would fight the giant. Later he has a long way of becoming as a king. He was not the underdog. However, the story of David and Goliath isn't just for kids. Goliath mocked David and said he wasn't scared of a tiny boy. Here is among the very best bible stories for kids, David And Goliath Story. Having dyslexia is in fact a blessing and anyone who has the condition and has not come to be a billionaire needs to be ashamed. In addition to everything else, the outcomes of a seizure may be life threatening. You're taking an enormous gamble. This last lesson about the limits of power is hard to learn. The 30-Second Trick for Essay Samples of David and Goliath The idea gets even more powerful when it gets connected to a different competitionthe contest to enter the Salon in France. Individuals who seem weak can prove to be surprisingly strong. I was drawn to these sort of stories from the very start. Stolpestad Stuck and chained with no inclination of wherever your life is headed, requires necessary effort to experience. The company world has a collection of successful businesses that are focused on superior technology and intelligent worker who's flexible and adaptable. You must be so bad that don't have any decision. It can be explained in the basic words is to adopt the best option and feasible advertising strategy based on the advertising trend and the demand for the company. But a little company can trump a huge organization. It is vital to abruptly jump to the conclusion about different strategies. Just how to create an outstanding article yr 7 the distinct selfish Jacques ambushed a person's defamation civilly. To begin with, the men and women that are requested to obey authority need to feel as they have the voice that should they speak up, they'll be heard. They have to feel like they have a voice. Gladwell gives a compelling variant of precisely the same argument in connection with school class-sizes. Gladwell strengthens his argument through using information from knowledgeable folks, called ethos. Too often Gladwell is appa rently mythologising his subjects. Quite simply, Gladwell states, most people today underestimate the significance of agility and speed. The Basic Facts of Essay Samples of David and Goliath Again, Ghiberti utilizes the technique of additive position inside this panel. The position employed in each one of the panels is alone. Ghiberti chose to use the gold high spots to provide the panels a cherished coating. Ghiberti knew how to use the vanishing point and might pull strings it to provide each panel a particular position of the scene. How to Find Essay Samples of David and Goliath Because Goliath was so large and strong. In reality, Goliath wasn't necessarily so strong. Goliath would need to be incredibly stupid together with weak. Goliath wasn't the just one of his kind. This is the reason I've learned to delight in the research facet of schooling. Learning how to comprehend whenever your disadvantage is an advantage and not a disadvantage can be challenging. Theref ore, their disadvantage is that they're smaller than the bigger organization, but the simple fact that they're smaller can also work in their favor and be an immense advantage. For many people it's only a grave disadvantage. Additionally, it has raised the interests of historians to determine whether the story can be proven. This might help explain the sculpture's popularity within this region. The timeless tale of Israel helps to implement those particular concepts in the current life to attain the purpose of the success in various facets of life. Small businesses are somewhat more nimble in comparison with their giant opponents.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Shaping Ideas For The Market - 1563 Words

Shaping ideas for the market Creating a service platform application for Make up, Nail and Hair artists Zienat Hanif 8594436 Abstract In this paper I will introduce the topic on Entrepreneurship what the definition is and what we can expect from entrepreneurs, this will include their characteristics, traits and behaviours. In this assignment I will also introduce my idea to create a service platform for Nail stylists, Hairdressers and Make up artists which I believe will give small entrepreneurs an opportunity to get more customers and develop their business as currently they are relying on word of mouth advertisement. The primary objective of this application will be to make it easier for potential customers to find the service via one app that fulfils their demand and needs. I personally believe this application will make customers life easier as they can plan their day accordingly and saving time as you can find all the services you may require in one handy application instead of searching the internet or yellow pages and having to call numerous places which I believe to be inconvenient for the customer. I have carried out market research and there is a demand and a need for this type of app as shown by customer feedback. In todays society we place emphasis on time,quality,service, and cost. This app will help to fill a gap in the market and further enhance customer experience and help small businesses to draw in customers which they couldShow MoreRelatedStrategic Management of Technological Innovation1157 Words   |  5 PagesInnovation. London: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. In this study, Innovation is the process of exploiting new ideas that that will lead to creation of new products or services. 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